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£50 Sewerage Charge


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Have you any idea how little that would raise and what damage it would do to the whole economy?

The question could also be, "What damage is currently being done to the economy?"


There is only so much that can be raised by the ongoing rafts of increases to taxes and charges before IoM starts to become an unattractive, or indeed, unrealistic proposition for residence. A low tax, high spend Govt with no VAT to now subsidise the low taxes on the wealthy and the great unwashed alike and that has, to date, showed a remarkable reluctance and/or inability to slim itself to suit its new circumstances, is doomed to drag this Island's economy into a rather unpleasant-looking black pit.


IoM Government is currently pushing up the cost of living on the rock faster than any other commodity....even some retail prices fall from time to time, due to supply and demand and competition. Even petrol on the IoM. Al and Eddies taxes are predicted to reduce....when?


Your Car Road Tax inexorably rises by 10% every year....(and thus that 10% is greater than last year's in £ terms), an "unfair" Sewage Charge, followed by an, apparently equally unfair, Fair Sewage Charge....rises in all other areas of Govt charges...we are being pushed towards a financial abyss by a reluctance, now 8 years old plus, to actually grasp the nettle and do anything meaningful about the cost of Government itself.


Hands are tied by the Terms and Conditions granted in times of plenty....Sir Humphries hanging on to their empires....and more than likely, a far-too-late recognition of what is actually happening. I personally wish it could all be over...at least then we could start with something of a clean sheet and know where we stood, rather than being continally fed the, "We're on track" spin interspersed with the occasional, I believe, truth that perhaps things aren't quite so good. And Al wishes to apologise to the Island for the hard times currently upon us. Try doing something meaningful about it then....

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Have you any idea how little that would raise and what damage it would do to the whole economy?

Can I assume the 6000 rebels have dutifully paid up ?

Please tell me. We serfs are being screwed something rotten as it is. If the high rollers want to leave there's a boat in the morning or maybe private jet!

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Listening to Tynwald this afternoon, I am left disappointed that the so called "toilet tax" isn't being removed and looks set to increase further from April 2015.


Replacing the flat charge of £50 or the possible £100 from April 2015 for a rateable charge of 62p ensures that the amount is fairer for all but does not go far enough to protect the most vulnerable in our society.


Neither does the charge take into account the ability to pay or the additional pressure this demand will put onto the Local Authorities.


I highlighted last year that the £50 surcharge would place an additional burden onto the Local Authorities because as Landlord the authority is liable for the amount.


Onchan Commissioners as landlord of 500 properties had to find an additional £25,000 last year and this would have increased to £50,000 if the charge increased to £100 from April 2015. Taking an average increase of £25 from April 2015, the authority will need to find an extra £37,500 to cover this charge next financial year.


This is in addition to any usual rates demand received from Treasury. Again, we have to remember that local authorities only receive one rate demand from Treasury, which the authority pays on time to take advantage of the 5% discount, which is then used to cover any voids in its property stock.


The authority then receive back the amount from tenants over a 50 or 52 week period.


It will certainly put financial pressure onto some of the smaller or medium local authorities on the island.

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Listening to Tynwald this afternoon, I am left disappointed that the so called "toilet tax" isn't being removed and looks set to increase further from April 2015.


Replacing the flat charge of £50 or the possible £100 from April 2015 for a rateable charge of 62p ensures that the amount is fairer for all but does not go far enough to protect the most vulnerable in our society.


Neither does the charge take into account the ability to pay or the additional pressure this demand will put onto the Local Authorities.


I highlighted last year that the £50 surcharge would place an additional burden onto the Local Authorities because as Landlord the authority is liable for the amount.


Onchan Commissioners as landlord of 500 properties had to find an additional £25,000 last year and this would have increased to £50,000 if the charge increased to £100 from April 2015. Taking an average increase of £25 from April 2015, the authority will need to find an extra £37,500 to cover this charge next financial year.


This is in addition to any usual rates demand received from Treasury. Again, we have to remember that local authorities only receive one rate demand from Treasury, which the authority pays on time to take advantage of the 5% discount, which is then used to cover any voids in its property stock.


The authority then receive back the amount from tenants over a 50 or 52 week period.


It will certainly put financial pressure onto some of the smaller or medium local authorities on the island.


>It will certainly put financial pressure onto some of the smaller or medium local authorities on the island.


Why not...double the housing rents?


Then offer a 50% discount to pensioners, single occupant properties, low income tenants etc.


Homes with two or more wage earners at or above the national average, with a Sky dish, motorhome, 4-wheel drive and a jet ski (or any combination thereof) aren't eligible for a rebate.


The reason why such a solution won't be proposed is that, you'd be voted out at the next election...


That's one proposal, what do you suggest?



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You bet it is worse.

My modest 3 bedroom bungalow with a sun lounge - rateable value £200.


This equates to £124 next year instead of what was originally proposed of £100 and then £184 year following and goodness knows what subsequently.



Its just bloody ridiculous a quick look through Deanwoods properties for sale and a 2-3 bedroom house could be anywhere from £79-£200, how an earth can that be considered fair?





Absolutely: as Butch said, I'm paying the same rates in Douglas as somebody in a mansion out in the sticks. So Cannan's KM electorate might be happy but I guess the majority of the population are gonna be worse off

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Has anyone seen what is happening with septic tanks? - I might just be being stupid and missing it.


But if its now going on rateable value, do I have to pay annually even though I have to maintain my own sewerage system and have the tank emptied about every 8 years?



Mr Cannan said it was still proposed that the charge for emptying septic tanks will rise to £100 per empty per year from April 1 next year.

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Thanks, I thought I must be missing it.


So its actually more to empty my septic tank at that rate than it would be at 62p in the pound on my rateable value - WTF


I am becoming very cross now, frankly Mr Cannan can kiss my arse

Jess, you only pay the £100 every time you empty the tank.


Local Authority rates will increase, increase and increase in the coming few years because of the costs being transferred from the taxpayer to the ratepayer.

Edited by Rob Callister
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Yes I know that, but I have to maintain the tank and if it was emptied every year I would be getting charged more than if I was charged the 62p in the pound as you are for mains drainage


Some people do empty their tanks every year and could be paying a lot more without any of the advantages.


Due to foaming at the mouth, I might not be getting my point across very well, but I know exactly what I mean flowers.gif

Edited by JessTickle
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Surely a fairer rate should be a combination of the amount of people residing in the household and a calculation of all appliances, showers, toilets etc. having an individual grading similar to white electrical goods?




Surely a fairer rate should be a combination of the amount of people residing in the household and a calculation of all appliances, showers, toilets etc. having an individual grading similar to white electrical goods?


Or just install water meters measuring in and out like is done in parts of the UK, you pay for what you use, simple as that.


Massive upfront costs on those and lots of extra civil servants to work it all out. Fantastic. What we actually need is less government workers doing "bugger all" jobs or simply doing bugger all. If you think that has been sorted, it truly has not. Even people who work in government are up in arms about their legions of colleagues who don't.


Another problem with the rateable value approach to this will be some big bills heading towards hard pressed businesses/employers.

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Yes I know that, but I have to maintain the tank and if it was emptied every year I would be getting charged more than if I was charged the 62p in the pound as you are for mains drainage


Some people do empty their tanks every year and could be paying a lot more without any of the advantages.


Due to foaming at the mouth, I might not be getting my point across very well, but I know exactly what I mean flowers.gif

Just watch out they don't try to charge you both! You wouldn't put it past them. Someone asked in Tynwald whether only people paying the charge would have to pay the rate. I didn't hear that answered conclusvely.

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