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Sorry We Raided Your House There...


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The son of a senior British diplomat was arrested under anti-terror laws after he innocently signed for a parcel while his neighbours were out, it was revealed today.

James Sutcliffe, 19, whose father Nicholas is a first secretary to the Foreign Office, was later released without charge after Scotland Yard officers reportedly ‘messed up’ after a mysterious tip-off.

His arrest over the weekend led to dozens of officers, some wearing biohazard suits and using breathing equipment, spending days 'tearing up' his parents' home and garden in South London.
Moral here: Don't sign for anything for your neighbours or anyone else.
Looks like a pure police fuck up that caused trouble for innocent people. Person(s) responsible have to be severely disciplined to maintain trust in the police. What also seems to be lacking these days is a reasonable approach and some common sense sometimes. Seems to be all procedures and protocols and no brains.
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His arrest over the weekend led to dozens of officers, some wearing biohazard suits and using breathing equipment, spending days 'tearing up' his parents' home and garden in South London.

Still, genuine mistake, should all be sorted with a private apology.

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As long as they set everything right again then why would you need compensation?


If you're sitting at home, minding your own business and suddenly your front and back door are smashed-in, your premises searched, your personal-effects strewn about the place, subject to questioning under duress and intimidation, arrest, however temporary, not forgetting any possible children or animals caught up in the melee. situational costs such as lost time at work, missed appointments etc., you might want some sort of re-dress according to your ordeal.


Damage is not confined to property and ''sorry, it was a genuine mistake'' just wouldn't suffice.


Obviously you've not had the pleasure....

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A raid is a raid - trust me, having just 3 police men running riot in your house is, phew, really fucking scary. They are massive, they crash about (like on the telly) shouting, and everything....it is the most awful thing that has ever happened to me (seriously) and I think if it were to happen now, when I am all grown up n that...I would sue them, I am traumatised by it and am grabbed by panic if our door bell rings after 9pm (only mental people and the police call after 9).


It wasn't me, it was my then BF and he wasn't really bad, just a little bit naughty.

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I think how it works is that you have to show me evidence that something did happen first.


Just like the police has evidence that they had the right house ;-) Its astonishing that a team of police officers, all professionals, made this error.


It's in situations like this how the command structure "just obeying orders" of the Police can lead to officers not exercising independent professional judgement in the exercise of their duties.


Just my opinion, but plenty of corroborating evidence available.

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