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Sorry We Raided Your House There...


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His arrest over the weekend led to dozens of officers, some wearing biohazard suits and using breathing equipment, spending days 'tearing up' his parents' home and garden in South London.

Still, genuine mistake, should all be sorted with a private apology.

Firstly, if it wasn't a mistake at all then there wouldn't be this story. We know it was a mistake and now we are trying to debate what should happen when mistakes are made. The fact of a mistake being made is not the issue and is largely irrelevant to deciding what the outcome should be here. It only matters in understanding how it happened and to recognise that such things do happen. The issue is what that mistake led to.


And why a private apology and not a public one?


And do you really think a verbal or written apology carries much weight? I think it certain circumstances they are meaningful, but I certainly don't think so with a State institution and certainly not with the police.

Also, should the apology necessarily come from the police or should the apology/compensation constitute a 'Sorry' from society. It is the police that mess up, but I think it should a societal apology that should be given that makes it clear that a person has been has had this done to them.

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I don't dispute it's a mistake, and a serious one, I just loathe this kneejerk reaction to try and turn inconvenience into free cash. It's opportunistic and greedy.


As a species, the human race needs to evolve beyond this selfish attitude of stripping everything they can get out of society through an imbalanced compensation culture.

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As a species, the human race needs to evolve beyond this selfish attitude of stripping everything they can get out of society through an imbalanced compensation culture.

For that to happen you need trust...a commodity in very short supply these days both between citizen and citizen as well as government and citizen.

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I don't dispute it's a mistake, and a serious one, I just loathe this kneejerk reaction to try and turn inconvenience into free cash. It's opportunistic and greedy.


As a species, the human race needs to evolve beyond this selfish attitude of stripping everything they can get out of society through an imbalanced compensation culture.


Is it not the human race per se, but an 'Americanisation' of western values?

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I don't dispute it's a mistake, and a serious one, I just loathe this kneejerk reaction to try and turn inconvenience into free cash. It's opportunistic and greedy.


As a species, the human race needs to evolve beyond this selfish attitude of stripping everything they can get out of society through an imbalanced compensation culture.

Read what I said. Yes, I think they should be made to pay a hefty sum but just as I said, it would be perfectly ok (or even preferable) if this was paid to a charity. My point is that the prospect of a big payout if they screw up will hopefully make them act in a more professional manner and lead to intelligence information being double and triple checked before they send the boys round.


This looks a bit like the prospect of a big 'Well Done For Catching The Tewwowists, Lads' from the chief and hopes for promotions all round caused them to rush things, then the adrenaline kicked in and they screwed up as a result. If there's also a prospect of a career ending reprimand and payout, then maybe they would have stopped and checked intelligence information, but as long as they think they can act with impunity, they will screw up again.


I had a few opportunities to sue people about other stuff in the past but I'm not into that. Believe it or not, money doesn't mean that much to me. I've always been like that, in times when I was skint and in now slightly better times. Compo or not, there must be a better way to keep police accountable and to encourage them to check information better.

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I don't dispute it's a mistake, and a serious one,


I must confess that I see it quite simply.


Firstly if it was a genuine mistake...like your foot slipped off the clutch at the lights and bumped the guy ahead...then you lose your no claims bonus i.e. get sued. It happens, live with it and move on. But would it not seem odd not to expect to pay damages if you'd affected a 3rd party?


If it wasn't a genuine mistake i.e. deliberate, then heads must roll and the compensation increased accordingly.


Easiest way to avoid being sued is to do your job properly. Let some other incompetent take the rap, there's plenty out there.



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Police...not to be trusted implicitly.


And not to be armed arbitaraily




This chap clearly wouldn't hesitate to 'manufacture' evidence.




Were they actors or real? Surely no copper would show such scumbaggery while on duty? They have a tough job, no doubt, but if they can't uphold the law within the rules that have been set for them, then they are no different to the people they say they protect us from.

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Oh finally. This is what I've been saying for years, the police are yobs and bullies, I have seen it time and time again. Same people in the paper over and over, where is the mayoresses chain? The 30k from B&Q, the person who dumped 3 ton of rubbish on RMc's car? Meanwhile the same old people are getting turned over. The police can do whatever they like, whenever and are not concerned with being polite, friendly or nice...even when you just walk past them in the street, there was a nice one in Ramsey one day and there is one in Peel that smiles and says "Hello." but as a general rule, they're smug thugs.

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