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Sorry We Raided Your House There...


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Firstly if it was a genuine mistake...like your foot slipped off the clutch at the lights and bumped the guy ahead

It might be a genuine mistake but don't try and compare it to a foot slipping of the clutch. It was planned and part of that planning bit was defective. That's not an accident like the foot/clutch/slip comparison.

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I played your game and found that a cop went to the wrong address and shot a mastiff dog that charged at him.

This is a breed of mastiff.



I'd shoot that fucking thing in a heartbeat if it came at me.

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Nope, I googled the words you suggested and that was FOURTH on the page of results. The one you seem to be referring to is the SIXTH link on the results page and it goes to the Daily Mail (lol). Dunno what "bypass" means in your world, but in mine, 4 comes before 6.


Maybe if you weren't so lazy/stupid/high, you would have posted a link.


I did pick this out of the article though.


"According to records, police told him to put the gun down but he refused and pointed at Hoeppner, causing the officer to shoot him seven times"


or in other words...


"Idiotic man points gun at armed police and is shot dead despite warnings"


Yeah, fucking police. Cop should have took a bullet and died on the spot instead of this bullshit. Right?

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In the meanwhile, here is how to piss off the public:



Car chase ex-police officer Mike Baillon wins damages




£430,000 for being an incompetent rambo at your job. The mind boggles...



Spot on with that comment.

The arrogant smug look on his face in one of the press photos got me so angry.

'Make a prick of yourself and cash in'

The reason there will have been sustained piss taking at the station is that most of regular plod don't think much of traffic maggots.

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In the meanwhile, here is how to piss off the public:



Car chase ex-police officer Mike Baillon wins damages




£430,000 for being an incompetent rambo at your job. The mind boggles...



In fairness much of the 'compo' was pension related.


I don't think that pension rights should be arbitrarily dished out once they've been earned.


That aside one of his former colleagues has just been granted 12 months at Her Majesty's pleasure. Not the best of Press for the police this week.





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Oh finally. This is what I've been saying for years, the police are yobs and bullies, I have seen it time and time again. Same people in the paper over and over, where is the mayoresses chain? The 30k from B&Q, the person who dumped 3 ton of rubbish on RMc's car? Meanwhile the same old people are getting turned over. The police can do whatever they like, whenever and are not concerned with being polite, friendly or nice...even when you just walk past them in the street, there was a nice one in Ramsey one day and there is one in Peel that smiles and says "Hello." but as a general rule, they're smug thugs.


Met quite a few nice coppers over the years and find Manx police officers to be far nicer than their UK counterparts, I find that Manx officers turn a bind eye and use a more common sense approach, I've met 1 bad egg though, really nasty arrogant piece of work, the sort who ruins the hard work of others and tarnishes any good reputation that is trying to be built up, every big company/organisation seems to have one though!

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