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We Need More People Like This Fellow

Thomas Jefferson

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An Alabama neurosurgeon was at Brookwood Medical Center when he was needed six miles away for emergency brain surgery at Trinity Medical Center.


Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw set off in his car but a rare snowstorm locked down traffic and he didn’t get farther than a few blocks.


Dressed in his hospital scrubs, the 62-year-old got out of his car and walked the rest of the trip in freezing temperatures.


“He had a 90 percent chance of death,” Hrynkiw said of the patient who had gone unconscious. Hrynkim said that if the patient did not have surgery he would have died, “and that’s not going to happen on my shift.”


Hrynkiw, Trinity’s only brain surgeon told reporters that the trip “really wasn’t that big of a deal,” according to AL.com.


Source: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/02/01/neurosurgeon-walks-6-miles-in-snow-storm-to-perform-brain-surgery/

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One thread today started with a story from the Daily Mail and now another from Fox News. Impressive.

I started a thread using the Mail because that was the one I saw on the internet.

But if they are not to your liking, which newspapers would you like me to use next time?


Some worthless socialist rag like the Daily Mirror is no doubt more to his liking.

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Speak for yourself! I am on my way to being a brain surgeon - I'm not lazy or selfish, I'd walk 100 miles in a storm to save a life.

It's not your commitment levels that would worry me if you were about to operate on my brain.

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Anyone who thinks the intelligence services are anywhere near good enough to be capable of doing that is living right next door.


Anyone who thinks the above obviously has never read about Operation Mockingbird or read Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media.

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The Daily Mirror has Andy Capp, which immediately makes it superior to the Mail. I no longer purchase newspapers except, for an occasional indulgence, the Independent. My primary sources for news on the web are usually the BBC and Al Jazeera plus, of course, the Guardian, Independent, Telegraph and Reuters.

That's a well balanced window.


I would add China Daily. And also KCNA.


A wide open mind is a wonderful thing to have.

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