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Scottish Independence - Hard Talk over the pound


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'Scotland subsidises the rest of the uk'

Are you REALLY sure about this? Can you please explain how Scotland achieves this. Thanks.

If you had read the rest of the post, it says -

"If you

remove London from the equation, Scotland subsidises the rest of the uk."


Scottish GDP per capita is higher than the uks if "profits" from the city of London are no included.

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Citizenship? Who decides? Who has the choice?...The Irish Free State occupied a very nebulous position for some years until it became a Republic and even that required an act of the Westminster Parliament to make it truly Kosher...


One poster here thinks that having been born in Scotland he will become fully Scottish if Scotland goes independent ie he has a Scottish birth certificate but I have asked around and people I know who have Scottish birth certificates do not want to change their status as British/Scottish just as my old army papers say that I am British/English.


So who will want to become something like a Scottish national or a Scottish Citizen or as the Irish (Republic of ) passports say Citizen of Ireland ie North and South. (The one I saw was issued to someone whose father was from the Republic which qualifies you apparently and of course many Irish have both British and Irish passports...Or so I believe to be the case.


India and Kenya gave the expats & etc the choice to become Indian or Kenyan and if they stayed British then they would not be the real deal in those countries. Will Scotland do the same?


If you have the choice many Scottish people may live in Scotland and have shall we say "Westminster" passports and citizenship so to speak.


One thing for certain is that voting "Yes" will be just beginning and it could take some years for the issues to be settled. We may see an independent Scotland full of people who hang on the status quo as regards their true feelings of allegiance.


Also, Scotland and England do not subsidise each other as they are in a Union....Depends how you look at it and as regards National Debt well both Ireland and India handed over what were then large sums on independence as they effectively launched a local management "Buy-out"


Salmond has hinted that Westminster (has let it be known) that it may yet deny independence despite a "Yes" vote if the cost and international complications re oil and gas and other investments affect the feasibility of the project.


2016? I think it will be like the Irish Free State and more like 24 years and even then the accounts will not have been settled. They have not been settled with Ireland not even now....Have they?







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That's not what I meant...


English Crown?...Is there one?...I was under the impression that the Crowns of Scotland and England were intertwined hence the term United Kingdom.


The term "accounts" covers many other matters not just financial and even after all these years the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland have a nebulous relationship EU aside.


There are many issues and grey areas.


Does anyone really think that it is easy to turn back centuries of integration?


The big mistake is to think in terms of English and Scottish and them and us...Scotland is not a colony....We are in a Union like the USA is in a Union...


We may dissolve that Union but it is not a case of Scotland breaking away it is also England and Wales and presumably the Province of Northern Ireland leaving that Union with Scotland...and the ultimate terms of our dissolution of that Union must be agreeable to all those parties who presumably wish to remain in some form of newly established Union amongst themselves but without Scotland...


If Scotland votes "Yes" then the other parts of the Union must also be equally satisfied with their lot or that dissolution cannot amicably take place...Those are the rules of the Union...Very different from the status of a colony seeking independence in a post-colonial world.


This is all going to take a very long time.....And will haunt us for generations ...if it ever happens that is!





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'Scotland subsidises the rest of the uk'

Are you REALLY sure about this? Can you please explain how Scotland achieves this. Thanks.

If you had read the rest of the post, it says -

"If you

remove London from the equation, Scotland subsidises the rest of the uk."


Scottish GDP per capita is higher than the uks if "profits" from the city of London are no included.

Why does that just make me think "huge public sector". Statistics and all that.

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England? England? Tell me about this England and its moneys...I am not aware that this England even has a parliament or can act alone in any capacity....


The Irish Free State paid a one off bargain basement price for taking over such as barracks, police stations and certain public works funded by British ie UK ie Union funds less a discount for the (Irish) taxpayers' contributions over the years from 1801...


That deal is a done deal...The so called bailing out in 2008 or whenever was done out of British (UK) self-interest due to the close relationship between Ireland and Britain....If they go down we go down too!Or as said above, the Republic of Ireland is a fact but the ties are still close that bind us...Any debt to the UK will or has already been paid off and does not affect the status of the Republic of Ireland (And it was a small sum as these sums go)


After all, HM the Queen is still a Queen and Head of State in Ireland but not of Ireland...I suggest the Scottish relationship is even deeper, stronger and harder to break...


Scottish independence? Possibly on paper but never a reality.

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'Scotland subsidises the rest of the uk'

Are you REALLY sure about this? Can you please explain how Scotland achieves this. Thanks.

If you had read the rest of the post, it says -

"If you

remove London from the equation, Scotland subsidises the rest of the uk."


Scottish GDP per capita is higher than the uks if "profits" from the city of London are no included.

yeah I did read that in your original quote, also ex oil money so can you send me in the right direction where this is correct pls. Not trolling just would like to know how, why, when, what regarding this tbh quite extraordinary statement. Ta la.

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An independent Scotland* (provided that it was within the EU) could make it very attractive for the City to move north (Monday to Friday anyhow).


Much of the City is currently extremely worried that the idiot knee jerk population of Britain may vote to exit the EU. (Through presumably the secret lizard rulers will make sure that never happens. Phew !)


*seems unlikely

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The City? Monday to Friday? ...Between London and Edinburgh? ...In a globalised digital world..The City is not a physical place it is a cyber location whose clever folks live around London...(and other places) The City is a concept...Think where the clever people want to live...The power is in the South East and time zones mean little now save that for a working day including home working London traverses so many time zones in one day..

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