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dave lee travis


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We often hear of an intense search for and persecution of people linked to a certain thing being described as a witch-hunt or an inquisition, but I think most people do not realise how close to the mark this comparison is. A serious comparison would actually be worth reading. Anyway, I am hoping that the public's current zeal for publicly burning "sex offenders" at the figurative stake has run its course. It began with a seriously repulsive and dangerous character of Jimmy Saville, but now, having run out of prime targets it has come to chucking anyone looking vaguely suspicious on the pyre - 'touchy-feely' garrulous men from the 70s, and weirdo thespians with a prediction for young ladies.


Mr. Travis may be a total creep, he may be a lecherous old git who needs to learn to respect personal space - he was a serial bum patter and creepo back rubber - but should these things be the purview of the law? What we have seen in this trial is the ruination (imagine for a minute being put through this yourself) of a man who has done little wrong. Has it been fair, in proportion to the now disproven offences? Has it fuck. The ability to bring such petty misdemeanors to court is still a weapon in the hands of those the spiteful, deluded, or disproportionately aggrieved.

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The uninvited massaging of ladies' breasts for a jape is not a petty misdemeanour. The learn here is not that we shouldn't prosecute behaviour like that, it's that we need to find a way to weigh cases where it's one person's word against another's before court.

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We often hear of an intense search for and persecution of people linked to a certain thing being described as a witch-hunt or an inquisition, but I think most people do not realise how close to the mark this comparison is. A serious comparison would actually be worth reading. Anyway, I am hoping that the public's current zeal for publicly burning "sex offenders" at the figurative stake has run its course. It began with a seriously repulsive and dangerous character of Jimmy Saville, but now, having run out of prime targets it has come to chucking anyone looking vaguely suspicious on the pyre - 'touchy-feely' garrulous men from the 70s, and weirdo thespians with a prediction for young ladies.


Mr. Travis may be a total creep, he may be a lecherous old git who needs to learn to respect personal space - he was a serial bum patter and creepo back rubber - but should these things be the purview of the law? What we have seen in this trial is the ruination (imagine for a minute being put through this yourself) of a man who has done little wrong. Has it been fair, in proportion to the now disproven offences? Has it fuck. The ability to bring such petty misdemeanors to court is still a weapon in the hands of those the spiteful, deluded, or disproportionately aggrieved.


Yes of course, but then your daughter comes home from work in tears to find her career progression is blocked not just by the glass ceiling but by the fact she won't 'play ball' with the latest touchy feely aged lothario.


Captain Creepy hasn't 'won' just yet, more charges to answer...?


And as for Stuart Hall O.B.E... he denied any wrongdoing, calling the charges "pernicious, callous, cruel and, above all, spurious".


Liar, liar pants on fire.



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Yes of course, but then your daughter comes home from work in tears to find her career progression is blocked not just by the glass ceiling but by the fact she won't 'play ball' with the latest touchy feely aged lothario.


That is what company grievance procedures, Sex Discrimination Act and the Employment Tribunal system is there for. It is also a damn site easier to win a case there because they operate "on the balance of probability" and not "beyond reasonable doubt".


I am not sure of the situation on the Island but I do know that in the UK a person subjected to similar harassment can also make a claim under the Protection from Hasrassment Act through the County Courts. Interesting to note that the employer can be held vicariously liable bu offences by one of its employees in the course of employment.


I would not compare workplace harassment and paedophilia even though they may be on the same scale of unwanted sexual behaviour.

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Stuart hall admitted it all


peado poetry?


Lester Piggot couldn't dig it

David Icke rides a bike

Richard Keys has got no knees

Debbie Thrower's got a lawnmower

Johnny Marr he plays guitar

David Steele lives in Keele

Stuart Hall admitted it all


and John Kettley, John Kettley, John Kettley

is a weatherman


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Yes of course, but then your daughter comes home from work in tears to find her career progression is blocked not just by the glass ceiling but by the fact she won't 'play ball' with the latest touchy feely aged lothario.

That is what company grievance procedures, Sex Discrimination Act and the Employment Tribunal system is there for. It is also a damn site easier to win a case there because they operate "on the balance of probability" and not "beyond reasonable doubt".


I am not sure of the situation on the Island but I do know that in the UK a person subjected to similar harassment can also make a claim under the Protection from Hasrassment Act through the County Courts. Interesting to note that the employer can be held vicariously liable bu offences by one of its employees in the course of employment.


I would not compare workplace harassment and paedophilia even though they may be on the same scale of unwanted sexual behaviour.



When a lot of these incidents occurred public perceptions and the law were different to what they are today. It's a bit like putting Alf Garnett on trial for racism committed in 1968.
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and John Kettley, John Kettley, John Kettley

is a weatherman


And so is that other fucker whose name I forget


(I don't mean to call these nice people "fuckers", it's just that the word somehow fell into place)


Carry on fishing, you'll get there.

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