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UK election 2015 -- who would you vote for?

Thomas Jefferson

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Which party do you think would do the best job of leading Britain for the rest of the decade? What do you think is the greatest challenge facing Britain?


I voted for the Conservatives in the last general election but I would probably vote for Labour in 2015. I think they have some sound economic policies and seem to be returning to some of the traditional Labour values, at least in rhetoric. What I see as the greatest challenges facing Britain are deindustrialisation, internationalism, tax avoidance and the way these serve to undermine the standard of living of ordinary workers. It is difficult to preserve the standard of living of ordinary workers -- never mind raise it -- without the threat of corporations simply moving elsewhere or our businesses not being able to compete with the cheap labour of other parts of the world. Capital controls should be on the table.

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With all the reforms, fixed parliaments, whatever there still isn't a none of the above box to enter your vote. I'm a socialist, never wavered from when I could first vote.


Having been a voter, candidate, writer of reports on Manx Electoral process and returning officer I think I'd just write something funny and rude on the ballot paper to alleviate the boredom of the counting staff and cause discomfort to the candidates, to whom it would be shown when rejected


But then I don't have a vote in UK elections TJ, unlike you, the 100% Manxman through and through

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Would never vote for Labour because they always run out of other people's money. Mind you, since I don't have a vote I doubt it will worry them too much.


So do the Tories. The only difference is what they spend other people's money on:- rich welfare recipients or poor welfare recipients. The Tories like to pretend that spending it on the rich will have a tricke down effect for the poor but anyone who believes that will believe anything.

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With all the reforms, fixed parliaments, whatever there still isn't a none of the above box to enter your vote. I'm a socialist, never wavered from when I could first vote.


Having been a voter, candidate, writer of reports on Manx Electoral process and returning officer I think I'd just write something funny and rude on the ballot paper to alleviate the boredom of the counting staff and cause discomfort to the candidates, to whom it would be shown when rejected


But then I don't have a vote in UK elections TJ, unlike you, the 100% Manxman through and through



There is already a "none of the above" option -- i.e. don't vote. In the Isle of Man, you should not only vote but you would be well advised to volunteer to be part of the vote counting if only to keep an eye on things and make sure nobody tries to rig the election.


The last time I checked, Manx people are allowed to leave the island without forfeiting being Manx.

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I would probably vote for Labour in 2015. I think they have some sound economic policies and seem to be returning to some of the traditional Labour values, at least in rhetoric.

Yep rhetoric.


When Ed Miliband (or Ed Balls for that matter) say that they are socialists or invoke traditional Labour values they are IMO drawing on a sense of nostalgia. It's like dressing in retro fashions. They are drawing on an imagined history.


Socialism was about the control of the economy and common ownership of the means of production. That is what Labour traditionally stood for. The Labour Party is no longer socialist and could never seriously attempt to reintroduce Clause IV.


When people say that they are socialists today - they often really do not know what they mean. Perhaps they are kind to animals and try to be nice.

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But none of the above, as an option, has the enticing prospect of the seat being left vacant if none of the above gets more votes than any of the human candidates. I agree TJ, always attend and do something with the ballot paper. I'd make voting compulsory, personally.

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But none of the above, as an option, has the enticing prospect of the seat being left vacant if none of the above gets more votes than any of the human candidates. I agree TJ, always attend and do something with the ballot paper. I'd make voting compulsory, personally.

What about people who reject not only the candidates but also the system itself? Why should anyone be forced to join in if they do not want to?


Not me btw. I tend to vote for the candidate I like best irrespective of their politics. Well maybe. Sometimes.

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Thry're all public schoolboys so detached from genuine reality I find it hard to want to put a cross anywhere. It's like asking the oppressed which member of the oppressing class you'd like to represent you. It's hard to find a politician who has done a real days work in there life.

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