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UK election 2015 -- who would you vote for?

Thomas Jefferson

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Thry're all public schoolboys so detached from genuine reality I find it hard to want to put a cross anywhere. It's like asking the oppressed which member of the oppressing class you'd like to represent you. It's hard to find a politician who has done a real days work in there life.


You have to pick the one who will do the least damage.

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I was a card-carrying LibDem. This was because I found the Tory approach of "just look out for already well-off tory voters to stay in power for the sake of it" a la Thatcher quite disgusting. Large parts of the UK were flooded for weeks and yet the planks were only called in when it started to affect the tory heartland of the Thames Valley. Of course, they all blustered about how it was all the fault of the Environment Agency and particularly it's director Chris Smith (Labour, Munroe ticker, one of the first openly gay MP's) whilst conveniently forgetting how they had slashed the DoE budget by £millions. Bastards.


I don't agree with Labour policies in that they seem to have have a holistic approach with social care. To me this leads to exclusion and that is a very bad thing as I can't see how it's helping the situation at all.


So it was the LibDems for me simply because up until the last election no LibDem policy had ever failed. However when Nick Turncoat Cleggy gave my vote to the smug tories with their front bench of 14 millionaires I binned my card and my support for them and I hope they get creamed.


UKIP is a joke.


In the UK the tendency is not to vote a party in but rather you vote one out. So I guess it's Labour as we have to get shot of this shower somehow and they seem to be the only viable alternative.


It's not a good situation but it is what it is...

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I can't see Labour getting the reins this time. This finance crisis, their mismanagement, and building up so much debt will still be sticking in the craw of Joe Public. Ed Miliband can't even talk properly, let alone look like a statesman.


I can't see Labour having a leadership battle before 2015 either, they have no one IMO who is even a viable alternative. Plus memories of Iraq and Afghanistan have at least another 5 years before Joe Public will let Labour back in.


I predict a Tory win. However, one thing that might change that, is something I have noticed, that there seems to have been a lot less, relatively speaking, slagging off each other this term. Perhaps the public might have more of an appetite for coalition than we might think at the next election?

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I don't and be won't be living in the UK so I won't be voting. However...


I would urge all voters to look carefully at the independent candidates standing in their area, and if they are not too far out there vote for them. None of the main parties have a clear and sensible vision of how they believe the country should be led, they are mired in petty squabbles and reactionary politics. And the candidates who stand for these parties are little more than cardboard cutouts whose CV's tick the selection boxes. It is time to look for people who aren't just standing as a career choice, but who actually believe in something. Anything will do. So UK users, VOTE INDEPENDENT

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Large parts of the UK were flooded for weeks and yet the planks were only called in when it started to affect the tory heartland of the Thames Valley.

Think that's a bit much. Plenty of Tories in south west. And plenty of disgruntled in the Thames Valley. Don't think you can use this to score political points.

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I can't see Labour getting the reins this time. This finance crisis, their mismanagement, and building up so much debt will still be sticking in the craw of Joe Public. Ed Miliband can't even talk properly, let alone look like a statesman.


I can't see Labour having a leadership battle before 2015 either, they have no one IMO who is even a viable alternative. Plus memories of Iraq and Afghanistan have at least another 5 years before Joe Public will let Labour back in.


I predict a Tory win. However, one thing that might change that, is something I have noticed, that there seems to have been a lot less, relatively speaking, slagging off each other this term. Perhaps the public might have more of an appetite for coalition than we might think at the next election?

That's because we're nearing the political classes dream of a one party state.

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Large parts of the UK were flooded for weeks and yet the planks were only called in when it started to affect the tory heartland of the Thames Valley.

Think that's a bit much. Plenty of Tories in south west. And plenty of disgruntled in the Thames Valley. Don't think you can use this to score political points.

This is a major issue when you have career politicians, often who have never had a 'proper job', or were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.


They are so out of touch with reality, the world of work, and the world of managing on a budget.


Their policies need to reflect reality and a serious effort to guide the economy, especially in the sciences and Information Technology and other major drivers of the economy.

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Large parts of the UK were flooded for weeks and yet the planks were only called in when it started to affect the tory heartland of the Thames Valley.

Think that's a bit much. Plenty of Tories in south west. And plenty of disgruntled in the Thames Valley. Don't think you can use this to score political points.


You're having a laugh! Think what you like but the facts remain that Osborne et al stripped funding from the DoE but as soon as the good tory voters of places like Bray get their feet wet Cameron suddenly announces that the tory government will pay whatever it takes to retain their votes sort it out...

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