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UK election 2015 -- who would you vote for?

Thomas Jefferson

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No one for UKIP? Ah we don't have a disillusioned Tory working class demographic posting here then?


First choice would be to give the conservatives a crack at sorting things out on their own, failing that maybe give UKIP a shot or none of the above.


Someone needs to sort the piss take that is the benefits system out. Look at all of the hoops you have to jump through to get to NZ or Aus, some of that in the UK as far as immigration is concerned wouldn't go amiss either.

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Large parts of the UK were flooded for weeks and yet the planks were only called in when it started to affect the tory heartland of the Thames Valley.

Think that's a bit much. Plenty of Tories in south west. And plenty of disgruntled in the Thames Valley. Don't think you can use this to score political points.


You're having a laugh! Think what you like but the facts remain that Osborne et al stripped funding from the DoE but as soon as the good tory voters of places like Bray get their feet wet Cameron suddenly announces that the tory government will pay whatever it takes to retain their votes sort it out...

But it's the civil servants in Whitehall who have to decide where within the Department the cuts will fall. Same in every Department and they are a law unto themselves as Thatcher found out. They cut the front line because they would otherwise have to cut their pen pushing, desk driving empires. You could not deny that after 2008 cuts HAD to be made.

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I cut myself off from the UK when I moved here xx years ago, and have no intention of going back, so their politics is just an irritation now.


I always read the personal manifesto from each candidate in an election, and vote for the one who make most sense - to me.


That course of action had me voting for none other than Screaming Lord Sutch in one election across. Strangely, I rarely voted for anyone from either the Conservative or Labour parties!

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Someone needs to sort the piss take that is the benefits system out. Look at all of the hoops you have to jump through to get to NZ or Aus, some of that in the UK as far as immigration is concerned wouldn't go amiss either.

It's a pity that Australia won't take more from these islands.
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Someone needs to sort the piss take that is the benefits system out. Look at all of the hoops you have to jump through to get to NZ or Aus, some of that in the UK as far as immigration is concerned wouldn't go amiss either.

It's a pity that Australia won't take more from these islands.

There's a good few thousand I'd ship from this rock to the other side of the world.

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Someone needs to sort the piss take that is the benefits system out. Look at all of the hoops you have to jump through to get to NZ or Aus, some of that in the UK as far as immigration is concerned wouldn't go amiss either.

It's a pity that Australia won't take more from these islands.

You fancy the antipodes then?

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Large parts of the UK were flooded for weeks and yet the planks were only called in when it started to affect the tory heartland of the Thames Valley.

Think that's a bit much. Plenty of Tories in south west. And plenty of disgruntled in the Thames Valley. Don't think you can use this to score political points.


You're having a laugh! Think what you like but the facts remain that Osborne et al stripped funding from the DoE but as soon as the good tory voters of places like Bray get their feet wet Cameron suddenly announces that the tory government will pay whatever it takes to retain their votes sort it out...

But it's the civil servants in Whitehall who have to decide where within the Department the cuts will fall. Same in every Department and they are a law unto themselves as Thatcher found out. They cut the front line because they would otherwise have to cut their pen pushing, desk driving empires. You could not deny that after 2008 cuts HAD to be made.


Well, the EA has over 400 fewer staff than a few years ago. Yes cuts had to be made but not so fast and deep. I also think it's immoral to dismantle the welfare state in such a way as to cause so much grief to so many folks. But then they don't vote tory so fuck 'em...


From the Grauniad:


"Flood area defences put on hold by government funding cuts

Protections for parts of Somerset, Kent and Devon worth millions of pounds were planned but not delivered"



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But it's the civil servants in Whitehall who have to decide where within the Department the cuts will fall. Same in every Department and they are a law unto themselves as Thatcher found out. They cut the front line because they would otherwise have to cut their pen pushing, desk driving empires. You could not deny that after 2008 cuts HAD to be made.


Radio 4 had a series of broadcasts on last year called "In defence of bureaucracy". I did not catch them all but it was interesting to listen to as it gave a voice to the Civil Servants.


Imagine have a new boss every four/five years who wanted to change everything (again) and was at least as incompetent as the last one. That probably gives you an idea why the CS takes so long to do things.


As for who I would vote for.... At the last election it would have been the Lib dems as I liked their promise about electoral reform. It is a shame that the two major parties who would have lost out as a result managed to win the referendum.


Looking forward to the next election... I honestly don't know who I would vote for. None of the major parties seem to be great. I am not convinced by UKIP and that leaves very few alternatives. I would agree that they either need to "none of the above" option or a RON (ReOpen Nominations). At least then a protest vote would be heard.


Isn't the turn out level in the UK really low?

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Well, the EA has over 400 fewer staff than a few years ago. Yes cuts had to be made but not so fast and deep. I also think it's immoral to dismantle the welfare state in such a way as to cause so much grief to so many folks. But then they don't vote tory so fuck 'em...

It would be illuminating to know how that 400 breaks down between front line workers, administrators and managers and who did the choosing. I doubt that the minister went to the permanent secreatary and told him to sack the folk on the ground but keep all the managers.

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