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Denmark bans halal and kosher slaughter


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Denmark bans halal and kosher slaughter as minister says ‘animal rights come before religion’




Excellent move, even if the men in funny robes are crying out about it. That's the same men who commit assault on young boys by circumcising them before they can make up their own mind about what religion, if any, they wish to follow.


You can tell I'm not really a fan of any religion :)

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Denmark bans halal and kosher slaughter as minister says ‘animal rights come before religion’




Excellent move, even if the men in funny robes are crying out about it. That's the same men who commit assault on young boys by circumcising them before they can make up their own mind about what religion, if any, they wish to follow.


You can tell I'm not really a fan of any religion smile.png


Excellent, hadn't seen this article.

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Denmark ... says ‘animal rights come before religion’

I wonder whether they will also be closing all of their intensive bacon factories too. If this really is about animal welfare.


There is some background to this story: Firstly - Denmark has been under intense scrutiny from animal 'rights' activists for years because of their own intensive industrial scale farming practices. Secondly - Denmark is a major exporter of halal meat to the middle east. Thirdly - there was a domestic media brouhaha in Denmark recently when it transpired that cheap halal meat was being sold unlabelled domestically - to the man in the street (similar to the horse meat thing in Engerland). The ban on shechita is a red herring since kosher meat in Denmark is imported.


Personally it would not make much difference whether or not you first stunned me with thousands of volts before cutting my throat. I would probably just be glad to no longer have to live with barely enough room to move whilst being fed industrial pellets.


(Or perhaps they are just trying to appease animal rights activists - for shooting the Copenhagen giraffe and feeding it to the lions for the entertainment a crowd of children).

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Denmark ... says ‘animal rights come before religion’

I wonder whether they will also be closing all of their intensive bacon factories too. If this really is about animal welfare.


There is some background to this story: Firstly - Denmark has been under intense scrutiny from animal 'rights' activists for years because of their own intensive industrial scale farming practices. Secondly - Denmark is a major exporter of halal meat to the middle east. Thirdly - there was a domestic media brouhaha in Denmark recently when it transpired that cheap halal meat was being sold unlabelled domestically - to the man in the street (similar to the horse meat thing in Engerland). The ban on shechita is a red herring since kosher meat in Denmark is imported.


Personally it would not make much difference whether or not you first stunned me with thousands of volts before cutting my throat. I would probably just be glad to no longer have to live with barely enough room to move whilst being fed industrial pellets.


(Or perhaps they are just trying to appease animal rights activists - for shooting the Copenhagen giraffe and feeding it to the lions for the entertainment a crowd of children).



At least the Danes are doing something to alleviate the cruelties of not just ritual slaughter but also the use of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals used on their animals, unlike the US, Canada and many, many other places aroung the world. This is not about Pigs though, is it? Seeing as muslims and jews don't eat pork. Have you watched any slaughtering? A stunned animal doesn't struggle and appears to not notice the cutting. This is not the case with ritually-slaughtered animals, who also have to endure blessings and other nonsensical rituals which induce fear and prolong their death.


Not all kosher meat in Denmark is imported, either.

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They have only included kosher in with halal because Denmark is a nation run by loony left cowards who are afraid of upsetting the Muslims who have entered their country, with their usual attempts at pushing their backward religion on the rest of us. Of course, like much of the rest of Europe and the world in general, viciously targeting Jews comes more easily to them. There are 210,000 Muslims in Denmark -- 3.7% of the population. There are a mere 7,000 Jews.[1] So clearly what they really have in mind is Muslim meat, but they're too chicken to admit it so they've lumped Jews in with them. I suspect the issue here is with hygiene and health and safety rather than animal welfare. They've had problems with Muslims peddling substandard meat.


I for one think that all animal slaughter is an abomination and long for the day when the whole world becomes vegetarian. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of the British Mandate of Palestine, promoted vegetarianism in Judaism:[2]


Rabbi Kook believed that the permission to eat meat "after all the desire of your soul" was a concealed reproach and a qualified command. He stated that a day will come when people will detest the eating of the flesh of animals because of a moral loathing, and then it shall be said that "because your soul does not long to eat meat, you will not eat meat." Along with permission to eat meat, Judaism provides many laws and restrictions (the laws of kashrut). Rabbi Kook believed that the reprimand implied by these regulations is an elaborate apparatus designed to keep alive a sense of reverence for life, with the aim of eventually leading people away from their meat-eating habit.


According to Rav Kook, all the laws and restrictions serve to raise the consciousness of Jews, to get them to think about what they are eating, and to decide if the fare meets religious requirements. The eating of meat is thus not taken for granted, and this mandated consideration of what is on the plate can be a first step toward rejecting meat consumption.


[1] US State Department - http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2009/127307.htm

[2] Jewish Virtual Library - http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/ravkook_veg.html

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They have only included kosher in with halal because Denmark is a nation run by loony left cowards who are afraid of upsetting the Muslims who have entered their country, with their usual attempts at pushing their backward religion on the rest of us. Of course, like much of the rest of Europe and the world in general, viciously targeting Jews comes more easily to them. There are 210,000 Muslims in Denmark -- 3.7% of the population. There are a mere 7,000 Jews.[1] So clearly what they really have in mind is Muslim meat, but they're too chicken to admit it so they've lumped Jews in with them. I suspect the issue here is with hygiene and health and safety rather than animal welfare. They've had problems with Muslims peddling substandard meat.


I for one think that all animal slaughter is an abomination and long for the day when the whole world becomes vegetarian. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of the British Mandate of Palestine, promoted vegetarianism in Judaism:[2]


Rabbi Kook believed that the permission to eat meat "after all the desire of your soul" was a concealed reproach and a qualified command. He stated that a day will come when people will detest the eating of the flesh of animals because of a moral loathing, and then it shall be said that "because your soul does not long to eat meat, you will not eat meat." Along with permission to eat meat, Judaism provides many laws and restrictions (the laws of kashrut). Rabbi Kook believed that the reprimand implied by these regulations is an elaborate apparatus designed to keep alive a sense of reverence for life, with the aim of eventually leading people away from their meat-eating habit.


According to Rav Kook, all the laws and restrictions serve to raise the consciousness of Jews, to get them to think about what they are eating, and to decide if the fare meets religious requirements. The eating of meat is thus not taken for granted, and this mandated consideration of what is on the plate can be a first step toward rejecting meat consumption.


[1] US State Department - http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2009/127307.htm

[2] Jewish Virtual Library - http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/ravkook_veg.html

I think McDonalds Big Mac's are meat free as without the gherkin sauce, there's no taste to the cardboard type meat. Try it and see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is it that the only people who complain about circumcision, are those who aren't Jewish and haven't been circumcised? Strange, isn't it? I'm Jewish, and I have never complained. Is it because you're ignorant, bigoted and/or anti-Semitic?

I thought the Isle of Man was civilised. Apparently not.


Shalom aleikhem.

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They have only included kosher in with halal because Denmark is a nation run by loony left cowards who are afraid of upsetting the Muslims who have entered their country, with their usual attempts at pushing their backward religion on the rest of us. Of course, like much of the rest of Europe and the world in general, viciously targeting Jews comes more easily to them. There are 210,000 Muslims in Denmark -- 3.7% of the population. There are a mere 7,000 Jews.[1] So clearly what they really have in mind is Muslim meat, but they're too chicken to admit it so they've lumped Jews in with them. I suspect the issue here is with hygiene and health and safety rather than animal welfare. They've had problems with Muslims peddling substandard meat.


I for one think that all animal slaughter is an abomination and long for the day when the whole world becomes vegetarian. Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, the first Chief Rabbi of the British Mandate of Palestine, promoted vegetarianism in Judaism:[2]


Rabbi Kook believed that the permission to eat meat "after all the desire of your soul" was a concealed reproach and a qualified command. He stated that a day will come when people will detest the eating of the flesh of animals because of a moral loathing, and then it shall be said that "because your soul does not long to eat meat, you will not eat meat." Along with permission to eat meat, Judaism provides many laws and restrictions (the laws of kashrut). Rabbi Kook believed that the reprimand implied by these regulations is an elaborate apparatus designed to keep alive a sense of reverence for life, with the aim of eventually leading people away from their meat-eating habit.


According to Rav Kook, all the laws and restrictions serve to raise the consciousness of Jews, to get them to think about what they are eating, and to decide if the fare meets religious requirements. The eating of meat is thus not taken for granted, and this mandated consideration of what is on the plate can be a first step toward rejecting meat consumption.


[1] US State Department - http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/irf/2009/127307.htm

[2] Jewish Virtual Library - http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/ravkook_veg.html


I don't understand the relevance of the quote. So some vegetarian bloke supports vegetarianism? Okay. That's great I guess?

Do you also think animals should stop eating other animals?


Why is it that the only people who complain about circumcision, are those who aren't Jewish and haven't been circumcised? Strange, isn't it? I'm Jewish, and I have never complained. Is it because you're ignorant, bigoted and/or anti-Semitic?

I thought the Isle of Man was civilised. Apparently not.


Shalom aleikhem.


Is this a joke account? There are plenty of circumcised people who are angry that they never had the choice. Just because you personally don't give a shit doesn't mean others don't care that their parents arbitrarily decided to chop a bit of their dick skin off.

Also talking about people being civilized whilst supporting lopping bits off of babies is hilarious.

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