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Denmark bans halal and kosher slaughter


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Being chased by predators isn't a lifetime of liberty. Why do you think that being on a farm is a lifetime of suffering?


A farm is a concentration camp and animals are sentient lifeforms. Why do you think keeping sentient lifeforms in concentration camps is acceptable, particularly given recent history? It seems people never learn.


Couldn't have said it better myself!


But I wasn't just talking about "farms" in the local, free range sense. I was talking about industrial-scale factory farms where the animals are caged and mistreated and tortured before finally being killed in a very violent way.

The fact you're agreeing with what is blatantly a troll post should highlight how silly your argument is.

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The thought that being a vegetarian could make you like TJ is enough to make most people reach for some very large steaks.


Fit and healthy, youthful, energetic, perfect nutrition, perfect blood pressure -- yes, I can see why nobody would want to follow my dietary or exercise advice. By the way, I eat fish maybe once a week, if I can afford it, so I'm not a vegetarian.

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It is better to be a vegetarian and not feel responsible for as much needless killing of intelligent animals as would be the case if I still eat meat., so I agree with TJ. The issue here is the moral one; it is not about health reasons.


Exactly the same number of animals will be killed whether you are a vegetarian or not.

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Why is it that the only people who complain about circumcision, are those who aren't Jewish and haven't been circumcised? Strange, isn't it? I'm Jewish, and I have never complained. Is it because you're ignorant, bigoted and/or anti-Semitic?

I thought the Isle of Man was civilised. Apparently not.


Shalom aleikhem.

Cutting around on someone's genitals without their consent is assault. Some fairy tale religious bollocks justification doesn't change that. I hate it that children are being subjected to this and also being indoctrinated with religious ideas. At least wait until they're old enough to decide for themselves, but of course then they might wise up to the fact that they are much better off without religion in their lives and you obviously can't let that happen.

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Manxse klootsak en eikel. (You can translate that all by yourself)


Toedeloe devil.gif

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Dinf far tagen den I røven...translate that. I speak German and Dansk. You don't.

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