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The Great Game Revisted: Ukraine, Russia and the West


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If Russia starts handing out their passports to Russian-speaking Ukranians who are demanding them then partition (or usurpation into the Russian state) is inevitable


Ukraine proper, the US & probably the EU will take this very badly indeed

Particularly given the tortuous history of the region, especially Crimea being passed from pillar to post down the years.


I can't see Putin losing too much sleep over what Ukraine, the US and particularly the EU think. He may make a miscalculation of the consequences of his actions one day, but I can't see anyone being keen to die in a ditch over Ukraine. But we'll see.

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A country is being torn apart due to it being caught in the overlapping spheres of influence of Russia and the EU.


Or so they'd like us to believe. It's classic divide and conquer. Russia, China, the EU, America -- all controlled by the same globalist oligarchy. They put on a big show of being rivals, and there may be some rivalry, but ultimately the ones at the top are playing for the same team.

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It's amazing how all these unbadged troops have suddenly appeared out of nowhere - no one admits to knowing who they are


Can't see Russians evacuating Crimea - there's too many of them




* Ukrainian Chief of Staff has been sacked

They ceded the area to Ukraine for political reasons when both were part of the Soviet Union and Russians held sway anyway. They will take it back now and reintegrate it into Russia for similar political reasons.

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