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The Great Game Revisted: Ukraine, Russia and the West


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Have to say this is getting really dangerous - political instability, to a large extent precipitated by Russian brinkmanship results in an area with a large Russian population being occupied by Russian troops, with pro-Russian local politicians demanding the area is taken into the Russian motherland via a snap plebiscite watched over by pro-Russian "self defence" militias.


That is a recipe for turmoil throughout Eastern Europe with large Russian populations in the Baltics, Belarus, Moldova as well as in Ukraine.



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Times have changed, this isn't another cold war scenario. Russia is no longer communist, the US is no longer the land of the free, the EU superstate is slowly turning more communist than USSR was and X Factor is no longer appealing to the Saturday night braindead drones. Corporations are now the weapon of choice. Banks, oil companies etc... now hold more sway than governments as they straddle both the old east and west and don't have the same restraints. Governments now do their bidding for them as they have started to become one and the same, mutual interests dictate.

Edited by Lxxx
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Well said Lxxx, here is another "coincidence" a speech by Victoria Nuland - Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasian Affairs was sponsored by Chevron see the banner to her left in the video below.


Victoria Nuland: Ukrainians Deserve For Respect From Their Government.


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The Great Game or as Zbigniew Brzezinski called it The Grand Chessboard, we should look at some of the Pawns involved. In the video below it shows the Fascist take over of Ukraine. Its a pity the BBC don't make programs like this, they just show small pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, never connecting them together.


Ukraine Crisis - What You're Not Being Told.


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