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The Great Game Revisted: Ukraine, Russia and the West


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Just terrible news about the Malaysian Airline flight.


Hundreds dead.


Whoever pulled the trigger ... well words basically fail me.


Reuteurs is saying there were 300 people and 23 Americans on board.


Erm ... how the heck are the yanks going to react?

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Firstly it is a terrible event to have 300 innocent lives extinguished due to geopoltics in this way.


No doubt there will be large-scale consequences, depending on exactly what happened. Rumors about a SAM are still only rumors, and I see from pprune that there's starting to be talk about two fighter "escorts" for MH17.

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Wot CNN is saying:


The United States has concluded the Malaysian airline was shot down, a senior U.S. official told CNN's Barbara Starr. One radar system saw a surface-to-air missile system turn on and track an aircraft right before the plane went down Thursday, according to the official. A second system saw a heat signature at the time the airliner was hit, the official said. The United States is analyzing the trajectory of the missile to try to learn where the attack came from.

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As if anyone with any affiliation to Russia would do such a thing. Putin is checkmating the west very nicely at the moment, he doesn't need any idiots to up the stakes for him. His plan of making small, strategic chess moves seems to have the west running scared.....and we all know desperate people do desperate things.


Coincidentally it keeps the genocide in Gaza off the front pages.

Edited by Lxxx
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Nato had warned on June 30th that Russia was training separatists on vehicle borne anti-aircraft weapons:

At a June 30 Pentagon news conference, NATO Supreme Commander Gen. Philip Breedlove said Russia had been providing air defense training to Russian separatists on its side of the border with Ukraine that focused on “vehicle-borne” surface-to-air missiles. A vehicle-borne capability would involve a surface-to-air missile with a longer range than portable shoulder-fired missiles known as MANPADS.

The actual quote:

GEN. BREEDLOVE: We don't know whether the first two [aircraft] shoot downs were MANPADS or vehicle-borne missiles. ... we have seen vehicle-borne capability being trained.


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Ukraine fields this SAM system also




Amazing the US etc having backed the Kiev coup were looking for a reason to intervene in the region and now they have their excuse.


Personally I was staggered that in the space of 3 hours the culprit and the method was delivered and of course the media falls into line, this morning every front page carrying the same message.

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The intercepted phone calls between the RUS Seperatists was interesting - they're probably now thinking "oh bugger".



Other sources show the rebels reported downing an An-26 at the same time, which was quickly removed. They cocked up rather majorly.


To all those who start shouting false flag and bollocks, get a damn clue.

Edited by Tarne
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Ukraine fields this SAM system also




Amazing the US etc having backed the Kiev coup were looking for a reason to intervene in the region and now they have their excuse.


Personally I was staggered that in the space of 3 hours the culprit and the method was delivered and of course the media falls into line, this morning every front page carrying the same message.


Uncanny that isn't it. With access to unbelievable intelligence like that you have to wonder how it was ever allowed to happen in the first place.

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Uncanny that isn't it. With access to unbelievable intelligence like that you have to wonder how it was ever allowed to happen in the first place.


Perhaps they needed to verify intelligence reports before acting upon what could amount to a load of BS and making an ever bigger f*ck up.

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Uncanny that isn't it. With access to unbelievable intelligence like that you have to wonder how it was ever allowed to happen in the first place.


Perhaps they needed to verify intelligence reports before acting upon what could amount to a load of BS and making an ever bigger f*ck up.


Spot on.

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