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The death of Mr Karlsson is indeed a sad event, but my question is why DID the forrest family agree to have Mr Karlssons body left on their property after the crash for the remainder of the practice and then go to the papers (even one of the UK 'Rags' have got hold of this story) with 'OH how could you ' why when asked if it was Ok did they not speak up then and say NO,


I myself am :angry: that people will do this, I am right in believing that Mr Karlsson was a every capable Bike Rider with many years experience and fully excepted the risks of racing a bike on the isle of man , i am sure some people have a picture in their heads of bikers at the startline of the TT with people holding a gun at the rider forcing them to race against their 'will',



it would be nice to afford a detached house on the TT circuit but i would expect there to be difficult times due to the races, Do you think that when the forrest family bought the house they were told the history of the house and the fact that many riders have ended up in the driveway as it acts as a 'Run-off 'somebody should have made them fully aware of the situation that they put themselves in,its like people buying houses next to an airport then complaining about the noise , i feel uneasy about how much bad publicity this story is giving the isle of man and cant understand why people act so surprised when riders fall and are hurt or die. It happens and riders are still willing to come and try to be the best on the circuit and i support them fully in trying to do so.


What are your views on this


Edited for spelling <_<

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--- snip ---  but my question is why DID the forest family agree to have Mr Karlssons body left on their property after the crash for the remainder of the practice --- snip ---


How could they, or for that matter anyone, refuse.


They should never have been asked.

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Exactly Rog. Their complaint is regarding respect for the rider, and it would have hardly been respectful of them to say no and leave him on the road.


It's devastatingly sad, and very difficult to discuss tactfully so close to the event, but I agree with everything they said.


On Manx Radio, a TT rep said the safty of the tt was better this year, and they now had radios that allowed them to stay in touch with all marshalls. If this is the case, why can't they stop the race when a rider dies?

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I can not say that I would like a poor competitors body laid on my driveway while the practices carried on a few yards away.


The practice could have been stopped for 20 minutes to enable the body to be removed. At the very least, hold up those at the start line and use the "Vehicle on Course" flag at the incident.

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On Manx Radio, a TT rep said the safty of the tt was better this year, and they now had radios that allowed them to stay in touch with all marshalls.


PARDON? They only just got radios? What were they using before I wonder. Runners?


'kin 'ell.

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Personal mobile phones.




I thought the interview with the TT organiser bloke was really counter productive for their cause.


"We're adding more bales every year" he said. Which means there's not enough bales every year doesn't it?


Pretty pathetic really.

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I've no doubt that it could have been dealt with better. And bearing in mind the proximity of this place to an access road which could have been used, it probably should have been.


But as far as saying there was a lack of dignity (i.e. not using the an Ambulance / Helicopter) I think that is perhaps a bit harsh.


Even in the real world (i.e. non-racing) Ambulances / Emergency Helicopters are not used to transport those pronounced Dead at the scene. It would normally be a coroners / mortuary vehicle.


It is very sad and lessons should be learned.

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On Manx Radio, a TT rep said the safty of the tt was better this year, and they now had radios that allowed them to stay in touch with all marshalls.


PARDON? They only just got radios? What were they using before I wonder. Runners?


'kin 'ell.


No what he meant was that they have radios that are grouped so that they keep in touch with sections of the course without blocking out all other radio traffic.


As for use of the helicopter this is a tough one...especially as overuse of airmed led to that awful accident at Ballaugh bridge a few years back involving the run away horse. As someone close the use of airmed said to me maybe the idea would be to have a predesignated area with a coroners van on stand by that could be used. A bit morbid but perhaps lessons can be learned.


Top marks though to the marhsalls and medical staff who do a wonderful job around the course often in very difficult circumstances.

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it would be nice to afford a detached house on the TT circuit but i would expect there to be difficult times due to the races, Do you think that when the forrest family bought the house they were told the history of the house and the fact that many riders have ended up in the driveway as it acts as a 'Run-off 'somebody should have made them fully aware of the situation that they put themselves in,its like people buying houses next to an airport then complaining about the noise ,  i feel uneasy about how much bad publicity this story is giving the isle of man and cant understand why people act so surprised when riders fall and are hurt or die. It happens and riders are still willing to come and try to be the best on the circuit and i support them fully in trying to do so. 


BAD analogy is all I can say. No matter where you buy a house, you don't expect this kind of tragedy, and the Forrests are nice people. Maybe the island deserves bad publicity for this, it comes with the package.


And no matter what the risk riders take when riding the TT, they still deserve respect if an accident occurs IMHO.

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Don't seem like very nice people to me, they seem awfully like a pair of attention-grabbing idiots.

Doesn't seem like a partilcularly bad analogy either, they knew the their house was on the race course, it's a dangerous race, there will be accidents. It's bad luck there have been a few outside their house, but that's it.


"In its present form, safety is not happening because accidents happen again and again," Mrs Forrest said. "Officials have to look for some radical solutions. At present there is a formula which seems to say that more straw bales mean more safety.


"The Douglas Road corner is fast and riders come through on the bigger bikes at probably 120mph or more," said Mr Forrest. "It's at the end of a long straight and if you are off-line, the camber of the road throws you out of the corner.

They sound like they think they're quite the experts on the TT. After what, SIX years of living here and listening from inside their house? ('We ran outside after hearing the crash' they simpered)


Maybe they should try marshalling or getting involved some other way if they think they have all the answers, instead of whining from the sidelines. Or better still maybe they should move. Preferably back to Scotland.

I'm sorry but it does annoy me further that they're a couple of comeovers who have only been here five minutes...fair enough, it ain't pretty having a body in your garden, but it's the running to the 'papers and all the added sticking their beaks in about culture changes, safety, the spirit of humanity, dignity and respect that xxxx me off.

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I'd be pretty upset to if something like that happened, even if it is noone's fault. Can you blame them for complaining? Bear in mind they said they liked the idea of the TT, and you'd complain too. They have 14 year old kids ffs.


Seeing a dead body on your drive would probably make you whine and pissed off too, bets on you'd be doing the same.

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