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What Is With Some Poeple


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Maybe just move to another part of the Island?


The house they purchased has turned out to have things they did not expect - so move to a location on the Island that doesn't have the same issues and be happier?


I love the TT but I wouldn't want to live directly on the course.


Doesn't have to be our fave stereotype of boat in the morning

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There is a danger that, because we're all so worried that continued of the TT could lead to it's ultimate demise, we're beginning to demonise a couple who were genuinely traumatised by what must have been a truly horrific event.

Of course the race will never be entirely'safe,' but I think it's important that the organisers are able to show that every possible safety measure has been put in place.

It also seems that a somewhat cavalier approach was taken about the information given to the couple in question and, perhaps, if the organisers had been able to communicate with them frankly, honestly and quickly, this whole thing might not have been blown up into such a big story that provides so much ammunition for those opposed to the races.

Lessons do need to be learned and it is not the time to point accusing fingers at anyone. A brave man, a father of a young girl, has died in tragic circumstances and it does no credit to anyone to become involved an argument about the people who were witness to it.

Please, let's take a deep breath and calm down.

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I see what you are saying Lonan..... my main issue is that we've not got many if any facts on what the officials told the Forresters....


The one fact remains for me, they went to a paper in the mainland.... it's not an immediate step I would ever consider... I don't know what their train of thought or circumstances were but there are people they could have spoken to - hell even the manx papers! - before going to the Guardian... at the end of the day all that was gained was that the TT gets some bad press and the riders family had the whole event smeared around british national press... there was no need for that as I'm sure the TT officials would be happy to hear their concerns

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The Guardian pays for stories where as Isle of man newspapers don't.


They are cashing in.


Racing continued because the race could be finished in the time it would take for someone to come and collect the body. The body was collected in a time which was quicker than most death case on the Island. He was respected in the way that he wasn't left where he crashed. Unlike for example Old lady x who was found at the bottom of her stairs and remained there for 2 hours until she was certified dead and a vehicle could come and remover her.

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The one fact remains for me, they went to a paper in the mainland.... it's not an immediate step I would ever consider... ]


Do you know that for a fact?


Could it not be possible that the newspaper already had a reporter over here? Or some form of connection and that they approached the couple for a story?

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Only the Forrest family can say how traumatic they found it. They watch a man die and then spend 90 minutes looking over the body and imagining all sorts. How many nightmares do you think they will get? Surely the most rediculous part of this thread is the "If you don't like witnessing death and destruction with bodies on your drive then you shouldn't have come here in the first place and there's a boat in the morning!". Just pathetic.


I have also looked through most of the coverage and can find no reference whatsoever to the family contacting the Grauniad. I would say it is more likely that the Grauniad were always going to report on the first TT fatality and found more of a story than they bargained for.


I like the Grauniad as I find it has the most balanced reporting, particularly on politics, in the UK. It would also appear to have the least editorial control by the owner i.e. none as it is a Trust. This was in my Saturday paper. Very fair I thought but you can make your own mind up:



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The link leads to a story written by someone who see's the TT from an outside point of view and doesn't have any interest in it.

If they even bothered to come to the island and spoke to those who live here and enjoy the TT, those with a passion for motorsport or just anyone who is involved in it THEN they would be able to give a balanced and fair report.


Sky-diving has it's risks and sky-diver's know it, as with the TT, it has it's risks and the riders know it. SO why highlight this because someone has died in it. As with most sports.... More people live taking part in it than die.


I hope the persons involved in the reporting buy something nice with their cash. <_<

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I like the Grauniad as I find it has the most balanced reporting, particularly on politics, in the UK.


Probably because it's closer to your political views than other papers


This was in my Saturday paper. Very fair I thought but you can make your own mind up:


I still find it sensationalist in parts -


"Twists, turns and death round every bend"


How many people have died at Governors Bridge, Quarterbridge, etc? Hardly death round every bend

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I like the Grauniad as I find it has the most balanced reporting, particularly on politics, in the UK.


Probably because it's closer to your political views than other papers


This was in my Saturday paper. Very fair I thought but you can make your own mind up:


I still find it sensationalist in parts -


"Twists, turns and death round every bend"


How many people have died at Governors Bridge, Quarterbridge, etc? Hardly death round every bend


I agree that it's fairly sensationalist in parts but, in general, it is also a fairly well balanced piece, giving the views of the riders and the reasons why they want to race here.

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I like the Grauniad as I find it has the most balanced reporting, particularly on politics, in the UK.

Probably because it's closer to your political views than other papers

I read it for the reason I stated. For example I think that they had to go into Iraq. The Grauniad was vociferously against military action and really slated that nice Tony Blair. So no, it's not close to my political views at all.

This was in my Saturday paper. Very fair I thought but you can make your own mind up:


I still find it sensationalist in parts -


"Twists, turns and death round every bend"


How many people have died at Governors Bridge, Quarterbridge, etc? Hardly death round every bend

Every journalist wants an eye-catching headline to their piece. That's how they move up in their paritcular world. Bear in mind that this is for the consumption of millions who are only vaguely aware that there are lots of foreign bikers going East to West on the M62. It is not directed at informing those who already know.

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Bear in mind that this is for the consumption of millions who are only vaguely aware that there are lots of foreign bikers going East to West on the M62. It is not directed at informing those who already know.


Good point. Puts a different perspective on things.

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