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TV licence solution


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"Even the BBC's ex-boss says TV licence is too expensive: Former chairman Michael Grade also believes people who do not pay should not be criminalised. The BBC licence fee is too high and should be decriminalised, its former chairman has admitted.Michael Grade, who left the corporation in 2006 to lead ITV, said he feels squeamish about the fact viewers can be sent to prison for not paying the £145.50 charge. And although he said he supports the principle of charging all households to watch live TV, he called for it to be reduced when it is comes up for renewal in 2016."


My view is TV tax must be scraped, other wise there is no practical way to boycott the BBC if you want to watch Live TV.



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TV license fee being wisely put to use on an important training course, as the BBC don't know how to make Training Programs.


BBC spends £220,000 of licence fee payers' money on training staff how to use an iPhone: Nearly 800 employees sent on course that costs £300 per person



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They're also planning to waste more license fees on coming to the island to advise people whether they need a license or not.(I think we all already know if we need a license or not)


In the article from Manx Radio Claire Wotherspoon also says at their last visit 500 people were caught watching tv without a license. I don't recall 500 prosecutions for such alleged offences going through the Manx Courts,does anyone else?


From Manx Radio News:


TV Licensing officers are coming for you!
Published online at 11/10/2014 05:47:13

TV License officers will be on the Island over the next few weeks, targeting unlicensed properties.

Anyone who watches or records live TV programmes needs a license - even if you're watching on your laptop or iPad.

Last year investigations uncovered more than 500 Island residents without a license.

Claire Wotherspoon, spokesperson for TV Licensing, tells us more:

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They're over right now, just knocked at a friends door, he told them to sod off.


I'm hoping they come round mine, seeing as I got rid of the TV the other week. Think they might have forgotton us though, as they gave up sending letters about 2 years ago.

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They're over right now, just knocked at a friends door, he told them to sod off.


I'm hoping they come round mine, seeing as I got rid of the TV the other week. Think they might have forgotton us though, as they gave up sending letters about 2 years ago.


>They're over right now,


I've withdrawn implied rights of access (WIRoA) last summer and have a letter from Capita to confirm. So strictly speaking the TV Licence inspector shouldn't access my property without a search warrant.


On one occasion the inspector confirmed that I was being taken to Court; and when I asked what name the case was filed under he "didn't have the paperwork to hand". So don't give any details and don't sign anything. Better still, don't answer the door when he knocks.


Though in fairness, the threatening letters have ceased. Not had one this year, whereas every 6 weeks was a typical frequency.


Let's see if they knock at chez TBT this time around.



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