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Bob Crow dies


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I was only listening to Bob Crowe on R4 yesterday thinking what a decent sort he sounded. His politics were perhaps too far left for me but he stood up for the rights of the ordinary working man which is sometimes in short supply these days.

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There was more to Bob Crowe than his union leadership, which was admittedly well to the left; but when you heard him on Question Time or Any Questions for Radio Four, he had some decent views on a range of topics, and he was very proud of his country, its people, and his own English roots. I'm very sorry he's gone.

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I bet the sneering, Guardian-reading left hated him as he was everything they hate about Britain. White, working class, outspoken... The fact he shared the same Labour platform as them made them sick.

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The only thing that surprises me about this thread is that we haven't had our resident conspiracy theorists blaming the dark forces of organised capitalism for the loss of a socialist comrade. Think about it. He has been described as "the last union leader anyone has heard of", an "unreconstructed militant" and an investment banker commented "I think I'm good value for £2million a year, but he had the power to bring the most capitalist city in the world to a standstill. I can't do that." He was a constant thorn in their side and Ken Livingstone said that Crow's members were the only working class people in London still earning a decent wage.


He said he felt unwell the day before and thought he was going down with flu. Could he have been got at?


On the other hand of course, he was well overweight, prone to be excitable and didn't look like he took fitness too seriously.

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