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Bob Crow dies


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"I think I'm good value for £2million a year, but he had the power to bring the most capitalist city in the world to a standstill. I can't do that."

This is a quote from the Daily Mash! It is a spoof.


And I love the way you are trying to have your cake and eat it re "our resident conspiracy theorists".


Yeah, its the internet so lets just lower the debate down to the lowest common multiple, but in a way that makes you look like you are above it.


As far as I'm concerned Bob Crow was a good example of the fact that Unions can certainly enrich their members, but this is only sustainable when they work in state-owned or monopolistic industries where the public can be forced to subsidize their perks. In most industries such behaviour would simply bankrupt the company, with people unwilling to pay the higher prices that result, but the tube - well bad luck London - you have to pay up or walk and so millions have gone to transport workers rather than upgrading services etc. and there really is "power in a union, power in the hands of the workers".

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"I think I'm good value for £2million a year, but he had the power to bring the most capitalist city in the world to a standstill. I can't do that."

This is a quote from the Daily Mash! It is a spoof.


And I love the way you are trying to have your cake and eat it re "our resident conspiracy theorists".


Yeah, its the internet so lets just lower the debate down to the lowest common multiple, but in a way that makes you look like you are above it.


As far as I'm concerned Bob Crow was a good example of the fact that Unions can certainly enrich their members, but this is only sustainable when they work in state-owned or monopolistic industries where the public can be forced to subsidize their perks. In most industries such behaviour would simply bankrupt the company, with people unwilling to pay the higher prices that result, but the tube - well bad luck London - you have to pay up or walk and so millions have gone to transport workers rather than upgrading services etc. and there really is "power in a union, power in the hands of the workers".

I wouldn't argue with any of that. Even the bit about me liking to have my cake and eat it. Who doesn't? As for looking like you are above the internet debate, well, I guess you're the expert there. I still say the conspiracy theorists will be along shortly with all kinds of dastardly deeds to report.

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"I think I'm good value for £2million a year, but he had the power to bring the most capitalist city in the world to a standstill. I can't do that."

This is a quote from the Daily Mash! It is a spoof.


And I love the way you are trying to have your cake and eat it re "our resident conspiracy theorists".


Yeah, its the internet so lets just lower the debate down to the lowest common multiple, but in a way that makes you look like you are above it.


As far as I'm concerned Bob Crow was a good example of the fact that Unions can certainly enrich their members, but this is only sustainable when they work in state-owned or monopolistic industries where the public can be forced to subsidize their perks. In most industries such behaviour would simply bankrupt the company, with people unwilling to pay the higher prices that result, but the tube - well bad luck London - you have to pay up or walk and so millions have gone to transport workers rather than upgrading services etc. and there really is "power in a union, power in the hands of the workers".

I wouldn't argue with any of that. Even the bit about me liking to have my cake and eat it. Who doesn't? As for looking like you are above the internet debate, well, I guess you're the expert there. I still say the conspiracy theorists will be along shortly with all kinds of dastardly deeds to report.

I reckon the intelligence services delivered a poison-laced batch of Hollands Meat n Potato pies to his house, knowing he clearly eats 5-6 in one sitting.

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Workers and unions can't have that much power Chinahand, when most of British industry and manufacturing has long ago been outsourced to low wage economies in the third world ('Globalisation'), and the British Trade Union movement has been emasculated. The RMT under Bob Crow was very much the exception, and even Bob couldn't do much for workers in the Maritime part of the RMT, exposed to flags of convenience, non-union agreements, and Third World health and safety practices.


At least now he'll be able to fight the Thatcher pit closure programme in hell. He certainly dressed to the left but at least you knew where you were with him and he had no time for the latte drinking, hummous eating New Labour metropolitan elite of Blair and Miliband. I didn't particularly share his politics, but he ate pies, supported Millwall, and never betrayed his roots, and that's good enough for me.

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He certainly dressed to the left but at least you knew where you were with him and he had no time for the latte drinking, hummous eating New Labour metropolitan elite of Blair and Miliband. I didn't particularly share his politics, but he ate pies, supported Millwall, and never betrayed his roots, and that's good enough for me.

Too many pies in the end - paid for by his membership who kept him in a £150,000 job and expensive holidays despite the fact he lived in a council house and banked the difference. Never betrayed his roots is right as his roots appeared to be in a post 60's working class sponging Labour elite that preached one thing (empowering the working class) and did another (ripped the ass out of the working man for their own personal enrichment).


One or two of those here too - lego head for one.

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