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Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

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identifying these images as debris is far far harder than overcoming a CAPTCHA which is still the limit of computer intelligence.


I hardly think CAPTCHA is the limit of computer intelligence. It might stop sExySuziexxx69 spamming your contact form on a website, but I imagine government agencies have more advanced scanning capabilities.

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Looks like Inmarsat have crammed a few years worth of R&D into a few weeks, and managed to get a better trace on the aircraft based on it's ping. Now 'confirmed' to the best of their knowledge that it stuffed it into the ocean miles west of Perth. Well done to them.


Malaysia Airlines have told the passengers relatives that it stuffed into the sea now too.

Sounds like hypoxia similar to the Helios crash, which took the crew out and then carried on for hours, but once the search area is combed and pieces found, then a real answer can be found.

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How many thousands of images were taken by 'plane daily in WWII and how quickly were they analysed?


That was what, 70+years ago - still, I guess there was a war on then so loss of life was maybe preying on their minds - not like that's important in this case eh...


Oh, and to text the Chinese relatives in English to inform them of their loss is okay too I guess. Those telephone things must have gone out of fashoin since the olden days...

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How many thousands of images were taken by 'plane daily in WWII and how quickly were they analysed?


That was what, 70+years ago - still, I guess there was a war on then so loss of life was maybe preying on their minds - not like that's important in this case eh...

You cannot remotely compare the two. The whole of Europe is 4 million sq miles and only a fraction of that was being analysed at any one time in WW2...the Indian Ocean is 28 million sq miles.

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How many thousands of images were taken by 'plane daily in WWII and how quickly were they analysed?


That was what, 70+years ago - still, I guess there was a war on then so loss of life was maybe preying on their minds - not like that's important in this case eh...


Oh, and to text the Chinese relatives in English to inform them of their loss is okay too I guess. Those telephone things must have gone out of fashoin since the olden days...


Dont see the problem with a text being sent out, if they had to phone each family individually that could take a couple of hours by the time they have told the first few families no doubt some journo would have found out and plastered it over the net anyway and the company would have been criticised for telling the media first before the families and I am sure the families would have said how they would like to be contacted in the event of any news

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I'm surprised that the authorities have stated that the wreckage is flight MH370.

I personally would say that it's likely to be the wreckage but until confirmed, it's only a plausible possibility.


Their PR is at best problematic although the photographers and news-people are making one heck of a mess in creating paranoia for a front page headline.

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So many inconsistencies in this whole charade it would be laughable if there weren't hundreds of innocent lives at stake.


What inconsistencies?


A plane took off and never got to it's destination they now think that its lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Just need to figure out why it happened.

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I can't see how, in the circumstances anyone can blame anyone for this tragic disappearance?

I have a feeling that there has been a problem with the plane's oxygen supply causing the pilot's to become erratic and eventually black out along with everyone on board, the plane has flown on until it has either ditched or run out of fuel?

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I can't see how, in the circumstances anyone can blame anyone for this tragic disappearance?



I caught a glimpse of the tabloid headlines in a supermarket today. Disgraceful that they should be leading on utter speculation - e.g. that a mad pilot was deliberately responsible etc. I suppose they think it is ok because it is about a story which for them is half a world away and concerns people they feel nothing for. Totally pointless moron bait.


I hate having to share my world with the idiots who buy the British papers and the shops which continue to choose to sell them. Britain seems so thick and nasty sometimes.

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I can't see how, in the circumstances anyone can blame anyone for this tragic disappearance?

I have a feeling that there has been a problem with the plane's oxygen supply causing the pilot's to become erratic and eventually black out along with everyone on board, the plane has flown on until it has either ditched or run out of fuel?


Its the world we live in people always look for someone to blame. At the minute it can't be ruled out the pilot has had something to do with it. Your scenerio would explain some things but why was the transponder turned off? lots of questions need answering

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