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Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

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What's yellow and lies on the bottom of the Indian Ocean?

































No! It's sand you heartless bastard!

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I suspect this mystery will never be solved.


The black boxes even if they are found aren't going to be much use as they only record two hours of data and all the interesting things happened about 7 hours before the plane crashed into the Antarctic seas.


All they'll show is that a plane flying on autopilot ran out of fuel.


I suppose it might help if they prove that the autopilot was set for the far south - though interestingly if my shaky knowledge of autopilots is right if you set it to fly to a set point and then overfly it, the autopilot will just continue to fly on the same bearing.


So it is possible all they'll show is that the autopilot was set to fly to a beacon returning the plane back towards Kuala Lumpa and it then carried on and on and on.


Why will basically never be known and all the important data about the plane changing course and altitude will have been overwritten multiple times and so will never be recoverable.


The only hope then would be autopsy results on the bodies to see if they suffered from decompression etc - but again how and why will be a mystery.


Sad. I doubt the victims' families will ever get closure.

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... Missile strike. Cover up.


I'm running out of plausible alternatives.


All this Northern / Southern corridor nonsense. They either haven't got a ****ing clue or they know exactly what's happened.

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@NdP Notthing to do with Boeing, engines were RR Trents. MH didn't take the Boeing aircraft maintenance comms package. ACARS (the engine managment bit) turned off (or stopped sending...) on or about when contact was lost. Subsequent pings were just the SATCOM equipment doing keepalive stuff. Nothing much for Boeing to say until some airframe evidence is found. General consensus seems to be that the 777 is one of the toughest old birds flying, so is unlikely to be structural failure on its own, and that wouldn't explain the long flight south.


@China I read some posts that described autopilot behaviour as follows. Autopilot will fly to a series of pre-entered waypoints. Once waypoint list is exhausted, it defaults back to the heading controller, whatever course it was last set to, and stays on that. There was some chatter that the heading to get to the southern corridor could have been the same heading as the crew would have selected to return to Malaysia if they had an emergency in the early stages of their flight. So possible explanation is that crew are incapacitated after some sort of emergency, autopilot flies through some waypoints (to explain zig zag path) and when waypoints end, it flies off to the southern ocean.


Oh, also Cockpit Voice Recorder is only 2hrs, but Flight Data Recorder is 24h ish.

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Cargo manifest - could be something, eg the lithium batteries, could be nothing, ref. the ATC transcript from a day or so ago that changed a potentially "unusual, suspicious" last communication from the cockpit suddenly into a normal, compliant communication.


Malaysia have been consistently inconsistent with the release of information, but that's probably down to inexperience with major events, rather than a grand conspiracy (I know you're not suggesting the latter...)

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I presume you verified this by transporting into the base using your zero-point fueled beamed matter-energy conversion machine, of course making sure that your metametal cloaking device was fully engaged to avoid detection, but the evidence pictures you took were all curiously either overexposed or completely blurry and so you can't provide any proof?

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