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Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

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They could be gutting the plane for parts, selling them, disposing of the hostages/witnesses and the airframe itself will never be seen again.

So you think its gypo's then not terrorists?


I have to say that I love the idea of this being done by a shadowy network of international scrap metal dealers. Maybe we'll get a Sky broadcast from Dr Evil the head of SMERCH - the Scrap Metal Emergency Recovery and Cutting up Hidout asking for One Hundred Billion Dollars mmwwaaahh ....


There is a big market for grey market aircraft parts. They tend to be very expensive, and budget airlines that aren't regulated by the EU will save money where they can, even if they don't know the history of the part....

I get what you are saying but you don't evade Chinese Inteligence, the CIA, and countless anti terrorist agencies to nick a plane and flog it for scrap. Its a mental proposition.


The big worry to me is this: that somewhere sat in a hanger somewhere on a little known airbase is a 777 being packed full of fuck knows what that's undetectable to electronic systems and has a range of 7/8 hours. The possibility of this must scare the shit out of most governments.

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Oh I agree.

It'll probably next be seen sticking out the side of a high profile building.


Now, if they pack it full of more boom juice, or glowy stuff that they can get their hands off out of old Soviet nuclear installations (a huge problem in the past) things will be even worse.


The plane itself is capable of going around 7,700 nautical miles or 14000km. It's the extended range variant (777-200ER) which actually holds records for the distance it can travel in one go. Now, if an attack like this was orchestrated, this plane would be the one to go for.

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The plane itself is capable of going around 7,700 nautical miles or 14000km. It's the extended range variant (777-200ER) which actually holds records for the distance it can travel in one go. Now, if an attack like this was orchestrated, this plane would be the one to go for.

That has to be a likely possible outcome the longer this remains a mystery. If they can make it disappear electronically for 7 hours and evade discovery and its got a range of 14,000 kms that's bloody scary.


I find it hard to believe a spy satelite hasn't picked anything up if it did fly for 7 hours across the Indian Ocean but I suppose its real needle in a haystack stuff.


Hopefully if it does pop back up they can shoot the fucker down.

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You dont just lose a plane I mean today you can lose an I phone and be able to find it.


The authorities know what has happened to it but for whatever reason haven't released anything.


My personal opinion is there was something or someone on that plane who was valuable planning has gone into it and the plane has been hijacked and is currently avoiding detection.

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I propose a competition, everyone post their pet theory on what happened and where the aircraft is


When the plane or wreckage is found and the data recorder gives up it's secrets, the poster closest to the truth wins


Here's mine:


The pilot is a flight geek with a massive knowledge of all things aviation, not just that required to captain a 777.


Things have not been going well at home and the day before the flight leaves his missus moves her & the kids outlink.htm


The pilot has planned the whole thing in advance to create the most publicised suicide since 911. An hour after take off he climbs the plane to 45,000 ft and having first donned his oxygen mask, depressurises the cabin to knock out the rest of the passengers & crew


He then takes the plane across the Indian Ocean, over a number of countries with shoddy radar cover before running out of fuel and crashing in some remote area of Crapastan

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Here's mine.


The storyline of lost was actually true, and is occurring right now, only with majority chinese rather than white americans.


Edit - I suspect I won't win.


I'm warming to that, a sort of Chinese Truman Show where they follow the lives of the hijacked on a massive film studio disguised as a military base

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They entered a temporal anomaly which caused them to appear in Saqqara, Egypt, 200 BC, as proven by this artifact:




In fact, until last week there was an Egyptian dude who posted on this forum but the plane hit one of his ancestors and now his username and all his posts have ceased to exist. :(

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Here's mine.


The storyline of lost was actually true, and is occurring right now, only with majority chinese rather than white americans.


Edit - I suspect I won't win.

So it's now called 'Rost'?

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20 key employees of Freescale Semiconductors, an American company specialising in research and manufacturing of high tech technology to the military and aircraft industries (and owned by Carlyle Group, who have ties to the US military), were on that plane.





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