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Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

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That is the card the US are playing to substantiate their increasing involvement. But, if they're going to pay for the investigation, then crack on. Unless, of course, they bill the Malaysians and then invade somewhere in their 'war on terrorism'.


Have to say though, the human intervention explanation is the most logical.

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That is the card the US are playing to substantiate their increasing involvement. But, if they're going to pay for the investigation, then crack on. Unless, of course, they bill the Malaysians and then invade somewhere in their 'war on terrorism'.


Have to say though, the human intervention explanation is the most logical.

Isn't 'Intervention' of two forms though? A deliberate act knowing what you are doing on a serviceable aircraft, or desperately trying to fly an unserviceable aircraft not knowing what you are doing?

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Fear, fear, tewwowists, sensational headlines, distraction, think horrible thoughts, be scared, look to authority, forget their might be an innocent explanation....



I think you'll find there to be no ''innocent explanation'' for this. Are you insinuating that this incident helps maintain the, 'Climate of Fear' scenario supposedly embraced by 'them' and popularly endorsed by con-theists?

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Who cares. Seriously, who gives a fuck? Nobody knows yet whether anything will be found. Anything this early is mental masturbation. You need to stop playing with your mind. Take a break.

Which of course is something you never take part in LDV!


Albert's theory holds no water. A sudden cabin depressurisation would have set off an automatic mayday call - which apparently didn't happen. Everything is speculation of course, but from what information there is this flight was hijacked in a very well planned operation. Had it exploded at the time contact was lost bits of it would have been found by now. Deliberate action by the pilot is also possible, but why?

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Albert's theory holds no water. A sudden cabin depressurisation would have set off an automatic mayday call - which apparently didn't happen.

Where did you read about 'automatic maydays'? I thought they had to push a button for that, after getting their oxygen equipment on?

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Who cares. Seriously, who gives a fuck? Nobody knows yet whether anything will be found. Anything this early is mental masturbation. You need to stop playing with your mind. Take a break.



Where now, the sanctimonious 'Declan', to rush forward with accusations of thread-stifling?

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Four days after a missing flight, a patent is approved by the Patent Office for maximizing dies on a wafer. 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%) If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.

Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ?? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased. Rothschild, you are an evil bastard

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Who cares. Seriously, who gives a fuck? Nobody knows yet whether anything will be found. Anything this early is mental masturbation. You need to stop playing with your mind. Take a break.



Where now, the sanctimonious 'Declan', to rush forward with accusations of thread-stifling?



Sorry what happened? Not been follwoing this thread.

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Fear, fear, tewwowists, sensational headlines, distraction, think horrible thoughts, be scared, look to authority, forget their might be an innocent explanation....


I think you'll find there to be no ''innocent explanation'' for this. Are you insinuating that this incident helps maintain the, 'Climate of Fear' scenario supposedly embraced by 'them' and popularly endorsed by con-theists?


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I like pprune's more aggressive form of moderating which, in part, is "If your thread/post is inane, offensive, whining, repetitive, provincial, boring, panders to the lowest common denominator or is of the 'Agony Aunt' variety it will be deleted."


This topic would be about 4 posts long if applied...

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My theory is simpler.


An hour after takeoff, the windscreen structurally failed for some reason, this instantly totally disabled both pilots or even killed one or both of the pilots, but also disabled the cabin crew and many passengers. Some passengers sat down were able to breath through their oxygen masks that would have deployed. Without oxygen, it takes 18 seconds to lose consciousness at 37000 feet in a depressurisation. Crew would have been up and about doing their duties, and probably few crew got to oxygen before succumbing to unconsciousness or being severely disabled. The temperature also drops to around -40 degrees C at this flight level.


Some frantic passenger(s) and/or crew then tried to take control of the aircraft (bear in mind the 500 to 700 mph and -40 degree C wind coming into the cockpit through a broken windscreen). Buttons and dials were changed at random trying to make contact with the ground and stabilise the aircraft, systems such as ACARS and autopilot were inadvertently switched on and off, and any radio transmissions might have simply been on the wrong frequency or not even transmitted at all.


These subsequent passenger/crew actions caused the plane to rise to 45,000 feet, further disabling those still conscious onboard, and even one or two passengers/crew who by then had even managed to use the pilots longer lasting oxygen supplies in the cockpit would be frozen solid within a few minutes. Passenger oxygen masks on aircraft only last around 15 minutes and on an aircraft traveling at 45,000 feet for 45 minutes the passengers and remaining crew subsequently lost consciousness, asphyxiated and froze to death.


Meanwhile, on the final heading set by the passengers/crew, the plane flew on until it simply ran out of fuel and fell out the sky, in some far flung part of the Indian Ocean.

It has happened before, but the two cases I can think of, one ended with the flight attendant spending the rest of the flight holding onto the pilots legs who had been sucked out, and dropping to breathable altitude. The second is a Helios in 2005 where the ground crew had left the pressurisation system on manual and the plane went to sleep.


Sudden de-pressurisation is unlikely but does happen, but the crew are also trained to handle it. There's only so much air that can initially escape before hypoxia becomes a concern and the flight crew would respond quickly to it, their job is safety. Your comfort comes second. The plane would also keep going wherever it was set to go, the only thing it won't do is land itself without being prompted. The FMS will follow all the waypoints as well as keeping speed in check.




Found it >> http://vietnam.craigslist.org/for/4372477162.html


Slightly used Boeing 777-300 for sale.


Asking for $15,000,000 USD, or best offer (this includes all the snacks in the plane).


Not much fuel in the plane at the moment, but it's in great flying condition. ABSOLUTELY NO JOY RIDES!




Ask for Fariq when calling and setting up appointments to see the plane.

Nice idea, but the missing plane is the 777-200ER.

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Albert's theory holds no water. A sudden cabin depressurisation would have set off an automatic mayday call - which apparently didn't happen.

Where did you read about 'automatic maydays'? I thought they had to push a button for that, after getting their oxygen equipment on?

No problem.


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That is the card the US are playing to substantiate their increasing involvement. But, if they're going to pay for the investigation, then crack on. Unless, of course, they bill the Malaysians and then invade somewhere in their 'war on terrorism'.


Have to say though, the human intervention explanation is the most logical.

Isn't 'Intervention' of two forms though? A deliberate act knowing what you are doing on a serviceable aircraft, or desperately trying to fly an unserviceable aircraft not knowing what you are doing?


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