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Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370

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I'd imagine they're now waiting until the heat is off somewhat as it were.

Let the authorities keep hunting for a while and then tail off the search as it inevitably will if the plane isn't found.

I'd imagine radar installations will remain on high alert though.


The fate of the hostages will also be something to wonder. Will they be used as a bargaining tool or on the receiving end of a Kalashnikov?

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Really worrying about going to major cities?


Do you never cross the road in case a bus might hit you?


No point in worrying about it if it is going to be used in some sort of 9/11 attack there's not much we can do about it.


I am fairly certain as soon as this plane re-appears it will be shot down, if it hasn't already

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But there will be hundreds of them and presumably its people's full time job investigating them all the time, where as if one organisation credibly claimed responsibility they'd be under 100% scrutiny. If it has landed somewhere, then re-appearing at some point in the future could be incredibly dangerous.


Hoping its crashed is preferable to it having landed safely?


I suspect that should an aircraft suddenly appear anywhere in the world then it will rapidly have the company of fighter jets and a threat of being shot down.


I would also imagine that the intelligence agencies will have a pretty good idea of which groups were capable of pulling this off.

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If we're still playing the what happened game, I think it was hi-jacked and will become the world's biggest 'dirty-bomb' or a traditional bomb. That would explain why no terrorist group has claimed responsibility, because they are still wanting to keep quiet and not be investigated too closely.


In the event of the plane being used as a missile, regardless of whether it is shot down or strikes a target, the USA & UK will blame Iran and off we'll go again.


If it was Iran, or any of those who have enough money or influence to amass nuclear stuff etc, wouldn't they just 'second' a plane quietly in their own locality rather than have everyone on high alert?

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The whole thing is completely implausible. The US military has a large naval base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and once they got wind of a rogue plane in the skies within that geographical area I am certain they would have their military satellites tuned in within seconds and would have pinpointed an unidentified plane pretty sharpish. This is the most technologically advanced superpower on the planet and they wouldn't allow a rogue airliner to be roaming around where they have military bases.

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The whole thing is completely implausible. The US military has a large naval base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and once they got wind of a rogue plane in the skies within that geographical area I am certain they would have their military satellites tuned in within seconds and would have pinpointed an unidentified plane pretty sharpish. This is the most technologically advanced superpower on the planet and they wouldn't allow a rogue airliner to be roaming around where they have military bases.


I know what you are saying but I think you are giving too much credit to the World Police or any other countries military surveillance capabilities.It may work like that in the movies but not in real life just yet. The problem is humans, they are not that good at stuff like this.

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