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Ouch, That Has Got To Smart a Bit

Boris Johnson

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"Gypsies" is a very misused and term which unfortunately results in people lumping completely different groups into one category so that all of these groups end up being tarred with the same brush. The media have a responsibility to be more specific and not perpetuate such misinformation which only serves to feed prejudice.


I hope the Police have had adequate training to prepare them for looking for a penis. A day-trip to the Isle of Man to visit Tynwald would stand them in good stead.

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Very impressive medical opinion from Professor Raj Persad on the Daily Mail site. The guy really knows his stuff:


"He will be left with a deficit of some sort."



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The poor bastard is said to still be too distraught to talk to police about the incident. Article.


Can you even imagine, gentlemen, how you would react if this happened to you? Joking aside, it must be one of the most terrible things that could happen to a man, short of a death sentence. For most men, their identity is very much tied to this little organ. I can imagine that removing it would cause you to question your purpose, identity, and existence. After all, the main biological purpose of a male is to inseminate a female of the same species. Without a penis a man cannot perform this role without special assistance. He is emasculated, useless. For the heterosexual male I can imagine this would trigger an existential crisis.


But somehow we are still able to joke about it in a way that we wouldn't if a woman had had her breasts cut off, or ovaries removed. Is that a fair comparison?

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Yeah, I think you're right about the humour thing. For men especially, we try to laugh at the ugly, the terrifying, the disgusting, and the truly troubling things that life presents. I think a lot of women deal with these things differently. They can be quite serious sometimes, and thoughtful.

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