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Human League to play Isle of Man during TT 2014


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best seat is next to the sound man, anywhere else is chronic, the only place that sounds right is where the chap sits that controls it all (but take ear plugs as he's also deaf from years spent in discos and turns everything flat out so you can hear it from Langness !)


remember going to a comedian once, the only way you could tell if the jokes were good was if the people in the middle laughed :lol:

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What a fucking joke.

Hmmm....It will be but one part of TT...not ALL of TT.


There's not just shit loads of hairy bikers here for TT...people 18 to 80 will attend this.


I still predict a sell out, plus lots still to do the same evening if it's not yer bag.

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What a typical fookin' IOM rip-off! Someones making a killing! I just checked the prices for their tour and it's only £36.40 across, compared to........ oh, er, actually... nevermind.......


Human League are a good band. Still a popular live act, and they were genuinely cutting-edge in their day. 80's stuff is seeing something of a resurgence at the moment too.

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What a typical fookin' IOM rip-off! Someones making a killing! I just checked the prices for their tour and it's only £36.40 across, compared to........ oh, er, actually... nevermind.......


Human League are a good band. Still a popular live act, and they were genuinely cutting-edge in their day. 80's stuff is seeing something of a resurgence at the moment too.

£35.70 inclusive of 2% booking charge

what rip-off ?

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Exactly. I've heard several people give the usual "it's a bit steep" line, when it's actually cheaper than across. I've seen several gigs cheaper here, sometimes considerably so, but there's always this claim that it's more expensive and a lot of the time it isn't. People don't half talk bollocks sometimes.

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I used to love the Human League, when I was 7. That darn Woolworths did not stock enough of the singles so I didn't get the one I had asked my mum for at Christmas, so, I do not even have a single Human League record, thus, I cannot go to see them.


Its TT week, there will be plenty people interested.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi All :


Jules Verne Theory will be opening the proceedings at 8pm before we all get to enjoy the might League : Our Debut EP "Exposure" is released today, and can be streamed for free on Spotify, and might be of interest to those making the classic decision of whether to watch the support band, or say in the bar :)


Details, including the Spotify URI are here : http://www.julesvernetheory.com/news


We have previously been described as "possibly the best Electro band in all of Onchan, certainly the Birch Hill area" :)


Cheers !

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