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Aborted babies used to heat UK hospitals

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They should be individually given a proper Christian burial, with a dignified and respectful service.

I suppose you can have a burial or a cremation for an aborted foetus or a stillborn baby but I don't know whether parents are told of the options.

i would imagine some our ours go as clinical waste to the incinerator or maybe the hospital has a small incinerator for the purpose.

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They should be individually given a proper Christian burial, with a dignified and respectful service.

I think you can only have a funeral or cremation if the child was born after 24 weeks or lived after delivery.


I don't know who invented that rule, but if it's true then it should be done away with.

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You're comparing a fetus to sperm? Ridiculous.


No, I'm using your quantifier of a "potential life".


Sperm is not potential life. An egg is not potential life. Fertilisation is required before a potiential life is formed.

Think you probably need to look up the definition of potential. Sperm most certainly is a potential life.

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Only a fertilised egg is potential life. You have to get the sperm and the egg together before there's potential for life.


No, every sperm is a potential life. And a different one, too. One more wank by our respective fathers before conception and it wouldn't have been us here, would've been some other people.

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If the parents/society didn't think enough of the foetus to let it live then why would they go to the trouble of having a funeral for it? The reason we allow them to be killed in the first place is because we consider their lives of lesser value than other concerns. So it follows that we treat their bodies with a corresponding lack of reverence and respect. Opposition aside, we have drawn a line and we are merely following it.


The line has also been drawn fro practical reasons. It's not practical to have a full requiem mass for every 3 week foetus that is terminated.


For me, the decision should be with the family as to how these bodies are disposed of. If they aren't fussed then by all means dispose of it with other medical waste.

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If the parents/society didn't think enough of the foetus to let it live then why would they go to the trouble of having a funeral for it?


I think you'll find there are millions of people even in the UK who do care about these babies and would be happy to administer an informal service and give them a dignified burial.

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This thread is not about sperm. Please go and start your own thread if you want to discuss that.


Ah, so you have no response then. And it's very relevant, since you presumably have no problem with discarding of one, but not the other. Which you haven't given a good reason for, so why the outrage?

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