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Aborted babies used to heat UK hospitals

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Oh delightful, he hath returned.


On topic though, it's the world we're heading for. Pollute the land or use an empty vessel for the benefit of others? When I'mdead, I'm not going to complain about the fate of my body, I doubt very much I'll need any of it.


Does the soul not transcend leaving the body as the empty vessel that housed the soul? Look at the sky burials where the body is left for the vultures.


One experience I'll never forget is the funeral pyres in Kathmandu.

Firstly the family pays their respects as you'd expect and then body is burnt next to the holy river.

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My only consolation is that, unlike the cultural marxist degenerates of this forum, the majority of commenters on the Daily Telegraph site agree with me that this is disgusting and inhuman. Even the BBC would seem to agree, given that they've done a programme about it. Even the UK Government admits it's morally dubious, seeing as they've now banned it.

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They should be individually given a proper Christian burial, with a dignified and respectful service.

I think you can only have a funeral or cremation if the child was born after 24 weeks or lived after delivery.


I don't know who invented that rule, but if it's true then it should be done away with.



That's what it says here but I don't know if that is up to date information.

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Also in the news, a company is planning to sell meat grown in a lab from Hollywood celebrities' DNA.

Under the somewhat macabre banner of "Eat Celebrity Meat", the artificial food creation company claims to give its customers a brand new way to experience their favourite famous people – by eating them.


How? Well, according to the website, it all starts by picking a star – like Lawrence – from which they take "a quick biopsy to obtain body tissues". "Isolating muscle stem cells, we grow celebrity meat in our proprietary bioreactors," the ‘Culture’ stage reads. Finally, they "dry, age, and spice" the product "into fine charcuterie". And hey presto, you have yourself a J-Law salami.




If this is true, and not a wind-up publicity stunt, then we are truly screwed as a species.

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They should be individually given a proper Christian burial, with a dignified and respectful service.


I think you can only have a funeral or cremation if the child was born after 24 weeks or lived after delivery.

I don't know who invented that rule, but if it's true then it should be done away with.



That's what it says here but I don't know if that is up to date information.

It isn't what t says at all. It says if the baby is born alive at any stage, and then dies, or is a still birth or spontaneous abortion post 24 weeks, it must be buried or cremated and if it's before 24 weeks you can bury or cremate, if you wish

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I think you will probably see a bias in the responses to this, as with other things. The people who are outraged that foetuses are being incinerated along with other medical waste will be making a lot of fuss and noise about it, while the rest of us who just don't care will typically not bother to respond; it is immaterial to many people what happens with them, or otherwise they just think it should be a decision for the family and not for the public or politicians. Then there is the fact that many media outlets will err on the side of caution with things like this, and attempt to take up position on high moral ground, as well as try to cook up a controversy, which is exactly what we have seen.


You are hardly going to see a pro-foetus-burning movement. Burn the castlings!

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Strange how on this site people seem prepared to start a pro-foetus-burning movement. It's as if people on here can't tolerate the thought that there are still people left in the country who have traditional values about the dignity of life. This is demonstrated in the way people are more offended that I spoke of a Christian burial than anything else. This is all complements of the cultural marxist education which has been pushed on us throughout school -- which teaches moral relativism, and therefore amorality, and soulless utilitarianism. We are taught to see no value in human life, never mind the bodies of the dead. Or maybe they're just disagreeing with me for the sake of disagreeing, and really agree that it's an outrage. There's something cold and callous about it; it's like a bureaucratic version of sacrificing a child on an altar to Molech.

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Also in the news, a company is planning to sell meat grown in a lab from Hollywood celebrities' DNA.




Under the somewhat macabre banner of "Eat Celebrity Meat", the artificial food creation company claims to give its customers a brand new way to experience their favourite famous people – by eating them.


How? Well, according to the website, it all starts by picking a star – like Lawrence – from which they take "a quick biopsy to obtain body tissues". "Isolating muscle stem cells, we grow celebrity meat in our proprietary bioreactors," the ‘Culture’ stage reads. Finally, they "dry, age, and spice" the product "into fine charcuterie". And hey presto, you have yourself a J-Law salami.



If this is true, and not a wind-up publicity stunt, then we are truly screwed as a species.



There's a film, Antiviral where people pay to be infected with viruses and bacteria cultivated from celebrities with colds etc.


But encouraging cannibalism (I don't care what the official classification is, but it's eating human flesh containing human DNA) is not something that should be done. It's only going to cause problems. Look what happened to the Papa New Guinea tribes, they all got Kuru or similar diseases, which admittedly was from the brain tissue containing prions, but either way, there has to be a line drawn.

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Thank God this disgusting practice has been banned. What sort of soulless and inhuman sicko thought it was a good idea in the first place? It's bad enough that these young human beings are lost or even killed, but to treat their lifeless bodies with such indignity and disrespect really is the lowest of the low. Just because we now live in a so-called post-Christian society doesn't mean we should throw all our morals and ethics out of the window. I hope whomever is responsible is locked up and the key thrown away.

Why is it immoral? If a child is aborted then it is just something that society has deemed to not be worth much at all. It shouldn't matter what is done with this discarded tissue.

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