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Aborted babies used to heat UK hospitals

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Thank God this disgusting practice has been banned. What sort of soulless and inhuman sicko thought it was a good idea in the first place? It's bad enough that these young human beings are lost or even killed, but to treat their lifeless bodies with such indignity and disrespect really is the lowest of the low. Just because we now live in a so-called post-Christian society doesn't mean we should throw all our morals and ethics out of the window. I hope whomever is responsible is locked up and the key thrown away.

Why is it immoral? If a child is aborted then it is just something that society has deemed to not be worth much at all. It shouldn't matter what is done with this discarded tissue.


You could use the exact same logic (or lack thereof) to argue that it doesn't matter how Jews' and Gypsies' bodies were treated once they'd been murdered by the Third Reich. After all, the society deemed them not worth much at all so it shouldn't have mattered what was done with the discarded bodies. Sorry but I don't subscribe to your moral relativism (amorality). I don't consider morality to be a social construct.

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Strange how on this site people seem prepared to start a pro-foetus-burning movement. It's as if people on here can't tolerate the thought that there are still people left in the country who have traditional values about the dignity of life. This is demonstrated in the way people are more offended that I spoke of a Christian burial than anything else. This is all complements of the cultural marxist education which has been pushed on us throughout school -- which teaches moral relativism, and therefore amorality, and soulless utilitarianism. We are taught to see no value in human life, never mind the bodies of the dead. Or maybe they're just disagreeing with me for the sake of disagreeing, and really agree that it's an outrage. There's something cold and callous about it; it's like a bureaucratic version of sacrificing a child on an altar to Molech.


You're drawing a lot of very silly conclusions here. I value life very strongly indeed, mine and other people's. But I also don't give a single shit what happens to my body after I die. Nor do I care what happens to the body of aborted fetuses or miscarriages - beyond that I think that if the parent has wishes they should be complied with. If the parent isn't interested, why should anyone else be?

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TJ's problem here seems not to be what ultimately happens to the aborted or misscarried foetus, but that it is done in some sort of respectful way. After all, 'Christian burial', as he terms it, results in the body being placed in the ground to rot and be eaten by worms. He doesn't have a problem with that, as long as the process of putting it in the ground is respectful. Surely, therefore, he would have no problem with the foetus being incinerated if we called it 'cremation' and had someone deliver a few solemn words before the burning commences - that is, afterall, all that happens at a 'Christian' cremation in an crematorium.

What happens from the resultant heat of the fire is inconsequential to the 'morally outraged', surely, as they don't appear to have any problem with good Christian flesh becoming worm food and grass fertiliser.

The resolution, therefore, is to tell people like TJ, that each foetus is 'cremated' individually following consultation with the parents and with respect to their individual culture or religion, and just don't mention that it is done in the hospital incinerator and the heat of the fire is used to cut heating bills - everyone happy!

In my opinion, the only people whose feelings should be taken into account are those of the parents/mother, not some mealy-mouthed do-gooders with no real life experience. After the trauma of losing a baby, which is traumatic whether it is a conscious decision or medically unavoidable, it is the feelings of those directly involved which should be uppermost. If they want to try and put the trauma behind them and move on by asking someone else to deal with the 'body', that is their decision. If they want to perform some sort of ceremony to help them with the grieving process, that too is for them to decide.

I don't want TJ, or anyone else, deciding what is best for me, and my lost child, should I find myself in that situation.

Also - Spook is either a very sick troll or just stupid.

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Abortion is always murder.




Desecration of a corpse is a sin.


I'd say abortion is murder, SOMETIMES. Like when Obama says he doesn't want to "punish" his daughter with a baby. Yeh, killing it because it would inconvenience her lifestyle would definitely be murder. On the other hand, termination at an early stage because you know it would develop to become very much unable to live a decent life, or if the mother's life is at risk, then I think the parents should be the ones to make a decision. Desecration of a corpse is a disgrace. No need for any religious belief to realise that -- basic human decency will suffice. Though it seems to be lacking in some quarters.

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For the record, when I said "Christian burial", it was a poor choice of words; although, if you look into the etymology of the term, it really only means anointed anyway. As a Deist, I am not advocating any religion. I just want dignity. I believe that indignity and disrespect for the dead goes hand in hand with a cheapening of the value of the living. Yes, I'm sure you're right about the body, but I still none the less think we need to have some respect.

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Abortion is always murder.




Desecration of a corpse is a sin.


I'd say abortion is murder, SOMETIMES. Like when Obama says he doesn't want to "punish" his daughter with a baby. Yeh, killing it because it would inconvenience her lifestyle would definitely be murder. On the other hand, termination at an early stage because you know it would develop to become very much unable to live a decent life, or if the mother's life is at risk, then I think the parents should be the ones to make a decision. Desecration of a corpse is a disgrace. No need for any religious belief to realise that -- basic human decency will suffice. Though it seems to be lacking in some quarters.


What if it's outside the financial means of the parents to raise a child to a reasonable standard?


Though I agree with abortion even if it's just that the parents don't want a baby. Abortion is way better than a kid growing up with parents who resent him/her.

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Desecration of a corpse is a disgrace.

What is desecration of a corpse? How does it differ to conduct a cremation in a crematorium rather than burning the body in an incinerator. The result for the body is the same, so whcih is one desecration and the other 'decent'?

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What if it's outside the financial means of the parents to raise a child to a reasonable standard?


Though I agree with abortion even if it's just that the parents don't want a baby. Abortion is way better than a kid growing up with parents who resent him/her.


How can it be outside their financial means when we live in a welfare state?

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Desecration of a corpse is a disgrace.

What is desecration of a corpse? How does it differ to conduct a cremation in a crematorium rather than burning the body in an incinerator. The result for the body is the same, so whcih is one desecration and the other 'decent'?


I'm sorry, I just repeated what Spook said. I wouldn't go so far as to refer to any of this as "desecration". More, callous disrespect.

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What if it's outside the financial means of the parents to raise a child to a reasonable standard?


Though I agree with abortion even if it's just that the parents don't want a baby. Abortion is way better than a kid growing up with parents who resent him/her.


How can it be outside their financial means when we live in a welfare state?

Are you telling me you've never met a kid here who's family is too poor to give him decent clothes + meals?

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