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Aborted babies used to heat UK hospitals

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What if it's outside the financial means of the parents to raise a child to a reasonable standard?


Though I agree with abortion even if it's just that the parents don't want a baby. Abortion is way better than a kid growing up with parents who resent him/her.


How can it be outside their financial means when we live in a welfare state?

Are you telling me you've never met a kid here who's family is too poor to give him decent clothes + meals?


Not on this island. Everyone can get child benefit FFS. If they don't have enough money, they're obviously spending on the wrong things.

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What if it's outside the financial means of the parents to raise a child to a reasonable standard?


Though I agree with abortion even if it's just that the parents don't want a baby. Abortion is way better than a kid growing up with parents who resent him/her.


How can it be outside their financial means when we live in a welfare state?

Are you telling me you've never met a kid here who's family is too poor to give him decent clothes + meals?


Not on this island. Everyone can get child benefit FFS. If they don't have enough money, they're obviously spending on the wrong things.

Well, I grew up with plenty of people who were in the situation I described. And I know people in that situation with their kids now. Is that fair on the children? Or the parents? Or their families who have to support them?

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I would have to take a look at the parents' incoming and outgoing before making a judgement. I would hate to think that a child was aborted so the parents could continue their drinking and smoking habit and so they can keep the full package Sky TV subscription. Either way, aborting the child is not the answer. Increasing the available resources to help the child is the answer, as is promoting contraception to prevent such situations in the first place.

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I don't want TJ, or anyone else, deciding what is best for me, and my lost child, should I find myself in that situation.

Also - Spook is either a very sick troll or just stupid.

But society doesn't consider a miscarriage foetus or an aborted foetus to be a child. Saying this is getting things a little off track, but we are inconsistent in how we deal with these things.

With the exception of this story, a miscarriage foetus is mourned and the dead tissue treated with great care and respect. An aborted foetus is not. The stark differences are quite peculiar, even hypocritical. It seems to imply that the worth of the foetus is largely about how much hope is placed in the foetus. Not about intrinsic worth. The miscarriage child is not so much a child but a piece of flesh with hopes placed on it. The aborted foetus is just flesh.


Unless what makes a child a child is this legal determination of when an abortion is legal or not. An arbitrary numbers of weeks determined by the State.

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I would have to take a look at the parents' incoming and outgoing before making a judgement. I would hate to think that a child was aborted so the parents could continue their drinking and smoking habit and so they can keep the full package Sky TV subscription. Either way, aborting the child is not the answer. Increasing the available resources to help the child is the answer, as is promoting contraception to prevent such situations in the first place.


So what if they use it to continue their drinking habit? If they're the sort of person to do that, they're the sort of person to have kids and then ALSO continue their drinking habit. Abortion is preferable.

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I would have to take a look at the parents' incoming and outgoing before making a judgement. I would hate to think that a child was aborted so the parents could continue their drinking and smoking habit and so they can keep the full package Sky TV subscription. Either way, aborting the child is not the answer. Increasing the available resources to help the child is the answer, as is promoting contraception to prevent such situations in the first place.


So what if they use it to continue their drinking habit? If they're the sort of person to do that, they're the sort of person to have kids and then ALSO continue their drinking habit. Abortion is preferable.


I agree -- abort the parents.

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I would have to take a look at the parents' incoming and outgoing before making a judgement. I would hate to think that a child was aborted so the parents could continue their drinking and smoking habit and so they can keep the full package Sky TV subscription. Either way, aborting the child is not the answer. Increasing the available resources to help the child is the answer, as is promoting contraception to prevent such situations in the first place.


So what if they use it to continue their drinking habit? If they're the sort of person to do that, they're the sort of person to have kids and then ALSO continue their drinking habit. Abortion is preferable.


I agree -- abort the parents.

is that your 'final solution'?

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So what if they use it to continue their drinking habit? If they're the sort of person to do that, they're the sort of person to have kids and then ALSO continue their drinking habit. Abortion is preferable.


I agree -- abort the parents.


is that your 'final solution'?


No, just one of many I routinely come up with while walking through Strand Street.

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TJ, when you have had a few more life experiences you will be better able to rationalise and most of us will be be very happy to listen then.


In the meantime, just be quiet and do yourself a favour.


You have no idea of what "life experiences" I have had. Go judge someone else.

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TJ, when you have had a few more life experiences you will be better able to rationalise and most of us will be be very happy to listen then.


In the meantime, just be quiet and do yourself a favour.


You have no idea of what "life experiences" I have had. Go judge someone else.

True but all we have to go on is what you post and you freely admit to telling fibs about yourself, your lifestyle and your opinions , so is it surprising that some take the view that "by their fruits ye shall know them" ?whistling.gif

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