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Croatian Constitutional Court decides all kids have to be vaccinated. Children's right to health is above parent's right to make wrong decisions.


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Little matter of the Human Rights Act importing the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic law...ie "The right to respect for private and family life".....(I suggest as just one spanner in the works for such as the Island and UK introducing compulsory vaccination as opposed to Croatia's position)...This little item is very broadly interpreted if one reads the case histories on the Council of Europe website.


The Council of Europe has about 47-48 members covering something like 870 million people and the Isle of Man comes in under the UK as the High Contracting Party and which is also a principal founding state of the Council of Europe...


Croatia apparently joined the Council of Europe in 1996 and I assume remains a member state but in all these ECHR/Council of Europe affairs it all depends on what the member state has signed up to, ratified or not as the case may be, derogated from and other variations and exceptions. The only way to really find out where Croatia stands and if its intentions as to compulsory vaccination are ECHR compliant is by ploughing through the Council of Europe's complex website regarding treaties and who has agreed to what. (Which I am not going to bother with!)


On the other hand member states often do things against the principles of the ECHR and then basically defy anyone to do something about it! (Yes, we know what it says in the book but we are not going to follow it this time!)


I feel that as the UK, and by extension the Isle of Man, will have very comprehensive adoption if not ratification of the many aspects of the ECHR/Human Rights Act it is likely that compulsory vaccination could not occur in normal times...if at all (Never say never!)


Signatories to the ECHR, and more so those who have imported the ECHR into domestic law, do have much greater flexibility to vary Convention principles by way of a loophole so to speak being known as a "margin of appreciation" which "proportionately" can meet "local needs and requirements"...Maybe Croatia is so fixed and has a need for compulsory programmes? Maybe they are only half in and half out of the ECHR on this matter?


However, I suggest that the UK and Isle of Man would be the last places to go in for this sort of compulsory programme bearing in mind their commitment to the Council of Europe and the ECHR one way or another.


Bubonic plague? Now here's a thought!

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Amish children are considered to be healthier than the rest of the population, and have lower autism rates. If the Amish were thought to be endangering there children, the authorities would soon step in. One Amish group got a visit from a SWAT team because they were selling unpasteurized milk.


Do Amish vaccinate their children? http://amishamerica.com/do-amish-vaccinate-their-children


Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/04/us-kidsallergies-idUSBRE8431J920120504


Dan Olmsted: The Amish All Over Again. http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/05/dan-olmsted-the-amish-all-over-again.html

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Why not peanuts? They are thousands of times more dangerous? Just think of those evil corporations profiting out of trying to sell you such dangerous products as Snickers and Fruit and Nut. Evil bastards, killing our children.

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Amish children are considered to be healthier than the rest of the population, and have lower autism rates. If the Amish were thought to be endangering there children, the authorities would soon step in. One Amish group got a visit from a SWAT team because they were selling unpasteurized milk.


Do Amish vaccinate their children? http://amishamerica.com/do-amish-vaccinate-their-children


Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study. http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/04/us-kidsallergies-idUSBRE8431J920120504


Dan Olmsted: The Amish All Over Again. http://www.ageofautism.com/2012/05/dan-olmsted-the-amish-all-over-again.html


Lower autism rates and yet the majority of them vaccinate their children (2011 study in the Pediatrics journal). It's almost like autism and vaccines aren't linked in any way.

Not that I've seen any reputable figures for autism rates in Amish children anyway. And not to mention that autism rates are DIAGNOSED autism rates, and sheltered communities with an aversion to doctors are certainly going to have a lower rate of diagnosis of absolutely everything.


Oh, and fyi, autism begins during pregnancy. Handy for me that the study was published yesterday! http://health.ucsd.edu/news/releases/Pages/2014-03-26-cortical-layer-disruption-and-autism.aspx

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Why not peanuts? They are thousands of times more dangerous? Just think of those evil corporations profiting out of trying to sell you such dangerous products as Snickers and Fruit and Nut. Evil bastards, killing our children.


An increasing number of people are allergic to peanuts, pollen, dust mites and so on. Why is this happening? Could it have something to do with Adjuvants in Vaccines. A vaccine adjuvant is a substance that is added to the vaccine to increase the body's immune response to the vaccine. In some situations increasing the body's immune response could be a good thing. But when the body's immune system starts to react to normal things in our environment, this can't be seen as a positive trend.

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Why not peanuts? They are thousands of times more dangerous? Just think of those evil corporations profiting out of trying to sell you such dangerous products as Snickers and Fruit and Nut. Evil bastards, killing our children.


An increasing number of people are allergic to peanuts, pollen, dust mites and so on. Why is this happening? Could it have something to do with Adjuvants in Vaccines. A vaccine adjuvant is a substance that is added to the vaccine to increase the body's immune response to the vaccine. In some situations increasing the body's immune response could be a good thing. But when the body's immune system starts to react to normal things in our environment, this can't be seen as a positive trend.

It "could" be.


it could also be due to our over-cleanliness. Lack of exposure to dirt etc.

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Why not peanuts? They are thousands of times more dangerous? Just think of those evil corporations profiting out of trying to sell you such dangerous products as Snickers and Fruit and Nut. Evil bastards, killing our children.

An increasing number of people are allergic to peanuts, pollen, dust mites and so on. Why is this happening? Could it have something to do with Adjuvants in Vaccines. A vaccine adjuvant is a substance that is added to the vaccine to increase the body's immune response to the vaccine. In some situations increasing the body's immune response could be a good thing. But when the body's immune system starts to react to normal things in our environment, this can't be seen as a positive trend.

It "could" be.


it could also be due to our over-cleanliness. Lack of exposure to dirt etc.

That might explain the dust mite allergy, but what about the peanut allergy?

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Why not peanuts? They are thousands of times more dangerous? Just think of those evil corporations profiting out of trying to sell you such dangerous products as Snickers and Fruit and Nut. Evil bastards, killing our children.

An increasing number of people are allergic to peanuts, pollen, dust mites and so on. Why is this happening? Could it have something to do with Adjuvants in Vaccines. A vaccine adjuvant is a substance that is added to the vaccine to increase the body's immune response to the vaccine. In some situations increasing the body's immune response could be a good thing. But when the body's immune system starts to react to normal things in our environment, this can't be seen as a positive trend.

It "could" be.


it could also be due to our over-cleanliness. Lack of exposure to dirt etc.

That might explain the dust mite allergy, but what about the peanut allergy?

It's not quite as direct as that. It's more that giving the immune system nothing to do causes it to go a bit wonky.

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Probably the opposite. Exposure to dirt when young is better for the immune system than not being exposed. The Amish are farmers, so lower rates of illness may have a lot to do with that - exposure to animal faeces.


Sorry if I'm misreading - are you saying that's the opposite of what I said? Because I'm reasonably sure it's the same as what I said!

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I'm not sure.


About what? You're a bit cryptic today.



Anyway, my post of "giving the immune system nothing to do makes it go screwy" was hinting at the same thing you said. Exposure to stuff lets the immune system develop normally. Not being exposed to stuff causes issues.

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