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Croatian Constitutional Court decides all kids have to be vaccinated. Children's right to health is above parent's right to make wrong decisions.


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Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it's an antiviral treatment. So it's completely off-topic.

But it could be given to Children against parents consent. The title of this forum is, "Croatian Constitutional Court decides all kids have to be vaccinated. Children's right to health is above parent's right to make wrong decisions."



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If you read the article you will see it is on topic.

You have introduced an article, bringing it "on topic", yet its link to what was being discussed seems most tenuous.


The reason some parents refuse to give vaccinations to themselves and their children is mostly due to adverse health problems in the article it said,


"Eight children who took the drug in Japan ended up committing suicide after suffering psychotic episodes. Other side effects included kidney problems, nausea, vomiting and headaches."



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Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it's an antiviral treatment. So it's completely off-topic.

But it could be given to Children against parents consent. The title of this forum is, "Croatian Constitutional Court decides all kids have to be vaccinated. Children's right to health is above parent's right to make wrong decisions."




No it couldn't. The court ruling specifically uses the word vaccination. Tamiflu is not a vaccine.

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Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it's an antiviral treatment. So it's completely off-topic.

But it could be given to Children against parents consent. The title of this forum is, "Croatian Constitutional Court decides all kids have to be vaccinated. Children's right to health is above parent's right to make wrong decisions."



No it couldn't. The court ruling specifically uses the word vaccination. Tamiflu is not a vaccine.

I hope your right, but it shows the mindset of the Pharmaceutical companies who push their products which at best do not work, at worst do harm.

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Based on your apparent criteria TS, say 8 children in some far away land 'being given' summat allegedly for their benefit, could I therefore introduced fluoride into the argument? No I don't really want to..... but it's an exaggerated example to illustrate the point.


I have just for a not very funny laugh, googled fluoride and autism. Yes, some think there is a link and if you do, a Dr Doris Rapp MD might like to hear from you. No matter what you want to believe, someone on the net with apparently impressive qualifications will be there just waiting for you to back your mindset. Finding an alleged link and someone with letters after their name in apparent agreement is hardly conclusive proof though.

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Based on your apparent criteria TS, say 8 children in some far away land 'being given' summat allegedly for their benefit, could I therefore introduced fluoride into the argument? No I don't really want to..... but it's an exaggerated example to illustrate the point.


I have just for a not very funny laugh, googled fluoride and autism. Yes, some think there is a link and if you do, a Dr Doris Rapp MD might like to hear from you. No matter what you want to believe, someone on the net with apparently impressive qualifications will be there just waiting for you to back your mindset. Finding an alleged link and someone with letters after their name in apparent agreement is hardly conclusive proof though.

In the article, Dr Tom Jefferson, an epidemiologist with The Cochrane Collaboration, said The stuff is toxic". If that is true then more research should be done, its unlikely the manufactures of this product are going to fund a true "large-scale" independent investigation in to the safety of it, but as £500 million has already been wasted it would be a good idea.

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PG tips is toxic if it's concentrated enough. I'm drinking some now, how is it affecting me? (awaits all the comments from the usual suspects). Hey, I might just google PG tips and autism. On the other hand I don't think I'll bother.


Seriously though, nearly all drugs have side effects and the benefit:risk ratio should always be considered.

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In the article, Dr Tom Jefferson, an epidemiologist with The Cochrane Collaboration, said The stuff is toxic". If that is true then more research should be done, its unlikely the manufactures of this product are going to fund a true "large-scale" independent investigation in to the safety of it, but as £500 million has already been wasted it would be a good idea.


Has our own Thomas Jefferson been masquerading as an epidemiologist??

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In the article, Dr Tom Jefferson, an epidemiologist with The Cochrane Collaboration, said The stuff is toxic". If that is true then more research should be done, its unlikely the manufactures of this product are going to fund a true "large-scale" independent investigation in to the safety of it, but as £500 million has already been wasted it would be a good idea.

Has our own Thomas Jefferson been masquerading as an epidemiologist??

LOL, so thats why he's been so quiet today.

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Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it's an antiviral treatment. So it's completely off-topic.

Thanks for the clarification. :)

Our or any government could insists that your children take it even if its a antiviral treatment, remember they make the laws, and they don't have to follow the Croatian Constitutional Court. The point is parents won't have a choice. That is why its on topic. Its a warning to us all.

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Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it's an antiviral treatment. So it's completely off-topic.


It's not off-topic at all. It is very relevant as it shows the way governments can be influenced by unsound science and pharmaceutical companies into purchasing and prescribing medication to the detriment of the public purse and possibly public health. In searching for a solution to allay public fears over diseases governments can be persuaded into buying drugs that may not be efficacious. This same principle can be used in their use of vaccines. It shows why we should use extreme caution when dealing with mass medication, and especially when talking about making it compulsory.

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You make a valid point Vulgar but Tamiflu hardly in the same bracket as MMR, polio etc


I've never believed in flu jabs unless you are immunocompromised or similar. However I'd like to see Roche's counter-argument to this study but whatever it is, I don't believe in any situation where there is no patient choice.

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Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it's an antiviral treatment. So it's completely off-topic.

Whatever it is, whoever was responsible for it's marketing campaign probably earned their bonus and some a few years ago at it's height. Everyone at my work was practically begging the doctor for it at the slightest hint of a sniffle. Will have made some people very rich indeed.

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