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Croatian Constitutional Court decides all kids have to be vaccinated. Children's right to health is above parent's right to make wrong decisions.


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Listen, I don't care if these vaccines turn us into He-Man and give us perfect health, everlasting life....... government has no business forcibly vaccinating people's children without at least having the decency to brainwash them with western-style propaganda into doing it voluntarily. To actually do it by force is intolerable tyranny and not something to be cheered at by citizens of a free and open society. I'm sure you sheeple would be first in line to be implanted with RFID chips as well. Baaaa. Baaaaaa.

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Does the state have a right to take children into custody when their parents are say Christian Scientists and believe the only medicine their children need is prayer?


Should a state prosecute parents who refuse to take their children to the hospital and rather insist on just praying for them. Is such behaviour acceptable? Many children have died of easily treatable conditions as a result of this. How is this behaviour different than the parents just abandoning their children and going down the pub?


I feel the state does have a right to intervene and hence mandate medication in these cases.


The debate therefore has to be at what level can the state intervene.


I am not in favour of compulsory vaccination and so think the line shouldn't be drawn at this level, but I do think there is a line when the state can intervene.


The challenge in legislation is defining it!

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So who does the child really belong to? The family or the state?


The Parents have a responsibility for the upbringing and welfare of their child(ren). If those parents are unfit and treat their child(ren) badly then the state assumes responsibility.


As HeliX says a child is not property.

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So who does the child really belong to? The family or the state?


The Parents have a responsibility for the upbringing and welfare of their child(ren). If those parents are unfit and treat their child(ren) badly then the state assumes responsibility.


As HeliX says a child is not property.



The applicable law in the Isle of Man is the Children & Young Persons Act 2001 which says that the state can only assume responsibility if the Department of Social care has:


'reasonable cause to believe that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm,'


The law is similar in England and Wales - Scotland is different.

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However childrens services is now big business. In the UK local authorities get large sums of money from central government per child taken and it also now has quite a large industry set up now around it, which needs feeding with cash and repeat business. Ally this to secret courts now making decisions behind closed doors with no representation and you have quite a racket going.

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However childrens services is now big business. In the UK local authorities get large sums of money from central government per child taken and it also now has quite a large industry set up now around it, which needs feeding with cash and repeat business. Ally this to secret courts now making decisions behind closed doors with no representation and you have quite a racket going.


Sorry this is off topic, but if there are secret courts how the hell do you know about them?

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However childrens services is now big business. In the UK local authorities get large sums of money from central government per child taken and it also now has quite a large industry set up now around it, which needs feeding with cash and repeat business. Ally this to secret courts now making decisions behind closed doors with no representation and you have quite a racket going.

Sorry this is off topic, but if there are secret courts how the hell do you know about them?

Can't tell you. It's a secret.

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when you are forced to REGISter your child or recive a fine (tax)your child becomes not a creation of god but a creation of goverment in turn a benifit is provided child allowence to help you look after the goverments child.


stazi courts do exist

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when you are forced to REGISter your child or recive a fine (tax)your child becomes not a creation of god but a creation of goverment in turn a benifit is provided child allowence to help you look after the goverments child.


I am not a creation of some fictional being and certainly not a creation of government. You, however, could well be the creation of an unwell mind.


stazi courts do exist


Care to tell everyone where these courts meet? Maybe we could all go along and uncover them?




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manxman when you REGISter a car you are not classed as the owner you are the keeper its all in the first 5 letters of the legal term register belonging to the crown therfore you can lose your "property is you dont follow the rules .a live berth or birth record is exchanged for a berth or birth cert and you become goverment chattle see law of the sea


my mind is open and well whereas yours seem to be closed to everything the goverment teach you that being total conformity

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register has nothing to do with regere = to rule, so your theory is wrong about belonging to the state


register is derived from register in old French from registrum in latin ie list or record which in turn derives from the verb registrere, to list or record


as for the secret courts, they don't exist, or if they do then apparently even I, an officer of the court of 35 years standing, haven't come across them

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