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Consider Urine Therapy, says Health Body


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Urine Therapy is an entirely drugless effective system of healing all kinds of Chronic Diseases and maintaining good health. Most of the people have stigma attached to “Urine” as they are not aware of its benefits. They should develop the positive attitude, and realize the natural healing power within us. Persons suffering from chronic disease who adopt Urine Therapy in a cheerful manner and with the positive attitude will realize and observe the benefits in their mental and physical health within a short period of 10 to 15 days.

The proper method of Urine therapy is Drinking Urine, Massaging the whole body with Urine, keeping Urine wet pack, drinking water, and juices and by maintaining a balanced light diet. Persons who adopt this treatment in proper method will pass white colorless Urine (like water) which does not contain any smell and they can gain proper knowledge to achieve maximum benefits.


Naturally, governments around the world have tried to keep this information from and have even attempted to remove some of the benefits by destroying beneficial chemicals through the use of fluoride in the water supply. Those who aren't afraid of thinking outside the box will welcome the research being done into this ancient method of maintaining a healthy body simply by using what nature has provided for us.



N.B. Despite incredible similarities, Carling Black Label is not an adequate substitute for the real thing.

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I am not one. At all.


Can you honestly say you have never derailed a thread topic or posted with the deliberate intent of provoking an emotional response? To be honest I suspect anyone who has ever posted on any internet forum will have indulged in some trolling.


Back on topic, this topic is clearly taking the piss.

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Just reading, 'Charlatan', the fraudulent life of John Brinkley who transplanted goat's gonads and monkey glands into humans to prolong fertility and longevity. He ran rings round the law, the medical profession and the govt. in America during the early 1900s.

Nothing changes, greedy arrogant men continue to con the ignorant masses....................so sad.

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