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Pub Level Debates about Europe - Farage v Clegg


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But Declan, unpatriotic to whom? Britain or Europe?


Britain. British is a good country, multi cultural, friendly, open to the world, tolerant, fair, welcoming, creative, varied and exciting. And they are constantly bad mouthing it, The Tories aren't much better. Everyone has a romanticised view of their childhood - the streets were safer, kids politer, schools better. But the truth is crime is down, truency is down, exam results are up, life expectency is up. But they play on rose-tinted memories and lie to create a myth that Britain has gone to the dogs. Shamlessly they waive the flag but run down everything in the country.

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But Declan, unpatriotic to whom? Britain or Europe?


Britain. British is a good country, multi cultural, friendly, open to the world, tolerant, fair, welcoming, creative, varied and exciting. And they are constantly bad mouthing it, The Tories aren't much better. Everyone has a romanticised view of their childhood - the streets were safer, kids politer, schools better. But the truth is crime is down, truency is down, exam results are up, life expectency is up. But they play on rose-tinted memories and lie to create a myth that Britain has gone to the dogs. Shamlessly they waive the flag but run down everything in the country.



Let's see now....


Britain IS a good country and hasn't gone to the dogs, yet. Let's take the first example, 'Multiculturalism'. There are millions of Brits who feel dispossessed by the forced experiment of 'Multiculturalism' and this experiment has also produced ghetto's, no-go-areas riven with cultural-division where immigrants refuse to assimilate. Merkel recently proclaimed multiculturalism had failed in Germany and the same is true in the hearts and minds of a substantial amount of indigenous Brits who see their culture being under-mined and find themselves vilified for speaking their minds. Socialists and lefties find this hard to swallow; the failure of a great idea.


Friendly...? In places, like anywhere else in the world. Even parts of Syria are friendly.


Open to the world...? Here again, some of the populace don't agree we should be so open and consider it a folly.


Tolerant...? Indeed, of intolerance, it would seem.


The statistics appear to show that crime and truancy are down, exam results are up; all statistics can be manipulated to show what you want. Some types of crime have risen and the re-classification of certain crimes has moved the goal-posts on how they are now logged. Are exams easier these days? I've heard it so.


When I was a kid, the streets were safer and I was politer because I was afraid of the social justice of the thick ear, or the cane at school.


''....shamlessly[sic] they waive[sic] the flag but run down the country''. Care to define who they are?


''Rose-tinted''? Yes, but who wears them...?

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