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Manxman "observing human rights in Palestine"

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Last time I checked, Chinaman, FATAH terrorist group is the democratically elected Palestinian GOVERNMENT of the West Bank, while HAMAS terrorist group is the democratically elected Palestinian GOVERNMENT of Gaza.


"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation," says Mr. Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then morph into what is today Hamas, a militant group that is sworn to Israel's destruction."


How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB123275572295011847

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So, is it right or wrong that the international community sends monitors to areas of deep tensions?


I would say it is right. It used to be the press that was expected to be the eye of global conscience and the messenger. To a certain extent they were accorded safe passage, but not so now and are often targets as recently as in the last day or so where two reporters have been killed in Afghanistan.


Journalism is essentially a commercial exercise. That is not to denigrate the many journos who, from deeply held conviction, have put personal welfare at risk to report and expose some of the worst events and atrocities of recent history. But journalists are no longer accorded the immunity they once were, so how willing are they and their employers to put themselves in to risk?


Perversely using a religious slogan, we still have to bear witness. Without that we are lost.

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So, is it right or wrong that the international community sends monitors to areas of deep tensions?


They're just bigoted anti-Israel busybodies who've been spoon-fed a pack of lies by the anti-Israel media. I refer you to the Balen Report on the BBC's anti-Israel bias, which of course you can't read because the BBC refuses to release it.

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So is it the BBC that has sent the monitors?


It creates the environment of misinformation in which middle class Brits --- who have had everything handed to them on a plate all their lives, living in a comfortable bubble, oblivious or unsympathetic to the plight of the poor and lower working class on their very own doorstep -- feel the need to go out there and do something. Why go all the way to Samaria to be a busybody and stick your nose in other people's business when there are thousands of people living on the streets all over Britain? It's all this busybodying by Britain which caused the Middle East situation in the first place.

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So is it the BBC that has sent the monitors?

It creates the environment of misinformation in which middle class Brits --- who have had everything handed to them on a plate all their lives, living in a comfortable bubble, oblivious or unsympathetic to the plight of the poor and lower working class on their very own doorstep -- feel the need to go out there and do something. Why go all the way to Samaria to be a busybody and stick your nose in other people's business when there are thousands of people living on the streets all over Britain? It's all this busybodying by Britain which caused the Middle East situation in the first place.

I thought it was the Rothschilds.

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I thought it was the Rothschilds.


The Rothschilds didn't create the problems in the Middle East. They only funded the zionist movement during the 19th and 20th century. The return of Jews to their homeland --- which, by the way, began immediately after the forced expulsion of Jews from the land by the Romans, and accelerated after the 1492 expulsion of Jews from Spain --- and the re-establishment of the state of Israel is not the "problem" in the Middle East. The problem is the way the borders have been messed around with by the British and the way they set-up absolutist monarchies to rule over the people, siding with religious fundamentalists against moderates and secular Arabs.

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Last time I checked, Chinaman, FATAH terrorist group is the democratically elected Palestinian GOVERNMENT of the West Bank, while HAMAS terrorist group is the democratically elected Palestinian GOVERNMENT of Gaza.

Err - yes it is really terrible when states* lower themselves to the moral standards of those who practice terror.


I'm glad you agree with me that it is wrong - Israel should definitely hold itself above these entities in its behaviour.



* ok quasi states: the sovereignty of both the West Bank and Gaza is held by the occupying power, ie Israel

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States are the biggest terrorist organisations out there. At least 200 million people were murdered by governments during the 20th century. Even most of the terrorist groups are state-sponsored. All of the post-9/11 "terrorist plots" uncovered have been cases of the government talking the person into doing it and setting them up.

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