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Manxman "observing human rights in Palestine"

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So, do you agree that Human Rights Monitors should attempt to hold states to a better standard, or not?


No. All human beings should be held to the same standard and this is especially the case when you believe the very people you're judging by a lower standard ought to gain statehood. In fact, if anything, they, if they want to be taken seriously as a viable state, should conduct themselves at a higher standard.

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The Israelis didn't attain statehood, they liberated and re-established it. The Palestinians are not seeking to re-establish something that had existed before. They're seeking to create yet another Arab state out of thin air and the destruction of the Jewish state. Besides, the actions of a few terrorists is not what got the British out of the region so it's not much of a comparison.

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Balfour Declaration.


"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland."


"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."




Behind the Balfour Declaration. http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v06/v06p389_John.html

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The 'fault lines' were created after the first world war when Britain took over the Turkish mandate


I hope the Palestinians tell Netanyahu to feck off


The Israelis are coming to epitomise the very things they most hated

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The Israelis should have kicked all the Arabs out in 1948. You know, like the Arabs did to all the Jews in 1948. Most Israelis are Arab Jews. More Jewish refugees from Arab countries were forced to go to Israel than the number of Arabs who fled to the surrounding Arab nations. The difference is that the Israelis assimilated their refugees, while the Arabs did not. The Arabs deliberately kept the refugees in refugee camps ever since.

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Let me re-iterate that: a majority of Israelis are middle eastern Jews from Arab countries, many having fled there as refugees in 1948 when they were kicked out of the Arab countries. There were also Holocaust survivors who went there. It was only AFTER the re-establishment of Israel -- after it had already become a state again -- that it opened itself up to a lot of immigrants. But even still today, most of the Israelis are of Arab Jewish descent. The fact is, they have more kids than their European counterparts so they will likely remain the majority. This idea that the land was devoid of Jews and then suddenly a load of European Jews showed up and stole the land is plain bullshit. It simply isn't what happened.

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This is a private person taking part in a church initiative. Only a cretin would use this example to "blowback" against the Isle of Man for "taking sides."

But knowing our lot, I bet he's running around telling everyone he's from the IOM with an IOM flag and IOM TT t-shirt or something broadcasting it to everyone. Our citizens have just as much responsibility to uphold our good name and represent us appropriately abroad as any government official.


I often dress up in a TT shirt and a Manx flag here and randomly shout abuse at passers by on the street, always making sure I pretend to be Manx by putting on my best yessir accent. I then tell anyone who will listen what a crap place the island is and that they should never do business there.


Afterwards, that chap from the Jersey trade organisation always gives me a cheque.


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Sometimes [read 'most of the time'] you spout complete and utter shite - and never more so than when you distort the history of the Middle East.

Yet again, the Thomas Jefferson version of history bears little connection with the truth.


You only have to look at the current demographics of Israel to see the truth of what I said. Most of the Israelis are first or second generation from the middle east, not European or North American, and the middle eastern guys are producing more kids so they will remain the majority.

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Of course there were a load of Jews from the Soviet Union who went there, but Israel has a majority MIDDLE EASTERN Jewish population and the demographics show that this is strengthening rather than diminishing. Your insinuation that most of the Jews in Israel are from Europe or North America is just plain bollocks.

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