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European Spring 2014

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Rioting appears to have broken out in Brussels as a result of a union demonstration in the city. The authorities are dealing with the demonstrators robustly. I understand that similar demonstrations are due to be held in other European cities including London and Paris.


Is the increasingly austerity meted to its citizens reaching breaking point within the EU?


The BBC has not as yet reported on this there's a suprise. Is this the start of a European Spring?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Anti-Austerity Protesters Clash with Police in Rome.


"Thousands gathered in Rome on Saturday to protest against austerity measures and plans for economic reform. The demonstration turned violent when a group of protesters threw rocks, eggs, and firecrackers at riot police. The police charged the group with batons and used pepper spray against the crowd."



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  • 2 weeks later...

An ode to those that will go to WW3 willing or otherwise!


Those Press-gang Days

Did they ever give a shit?
If they lived or died
They couldn’t vote till twenty-one
Press-ganged into khaki suits
State murder, the end for some

The establishment
The monarch, the dross
Leaching preaching
Blue blooded pricks
The scum of Britain
These spineless gits

This worthless tripe
Of the upper crust
Imprisoned young men
For a two-year stay
As cannon fodder
For empire wars
Expendable lads of
National Service days

No human rights
Or sparse dignity
A mule to kick
The beast of prey
Some young lads
Died for these gits
F*cking inbred idiots

Palestine, the Jewish war
NS boys died by the score
Malaya’s jungles of death
Vote-less young men perished

From Kenya and Cyprus
To the hot Arab States
NS boys gave up their life
To feed that sick dream
The status quo for
Empire and Queen

Aden and Suez
The NS have fought
Spilt their blood
In far away wars
Expendable life
On foreign shores

The Falklands
Was the Maggots war?
All regular soldiers
For National Service
Is no more

But never ending
Is the need for blood?
The Gulf, one and two
The Balkans have
Taken our “brave lads”
So blue bloods can keep
The life that they have

For black gold
Or Texas Tea
The wealth of others
These arseholes do thieve

Peter Wicks 23162120 Pte Wicks PR
ACC att RAMC 2 field Ambulance
Famagusta Cyprus BFPO 53 1955/57

I hope you come back boys & girls.

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