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Who is the world's biggest conspiracy BS artist?

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This guy, Phil Schneider, who claims to have fought space aliens in underground alien bases in North America:



Or this guy, Richard Hoagland (my favourite BS artist), who claims there are the remains of an ancient human civilisation on the Moon (and Mars) and goes on and on about geometry, and claims the Apollo astronauts had their minds erased to not remember seeing it all:



And of course David Icke has already had his own thread on here, famous for claiming a reptilian bloodline rules the world and that the earth is hollow, and the moon is an artificial holographic reality projector.


Anybody recommend any other ridiculous conspiracy nuts worth reading/watching for entertainment value?

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Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum.



I think a lot of the "conspiracy" people out there are deliberate BS artists trying to make genuine people who expose genuine conspiracies look like fruitcakes.




A lot of people say that about Alex Jones, but the LameStream media would love his audience share.

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I nominate George Bush, Tony Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the rest of that gang of criminals who pushed their BS conspiracy theory about weapons of mass destruction to get us into a "war" in Iraq.

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Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum.



I think a lot of the "conspiracy" people out there are deliberate BS artists trying to make genuine people who expose genuine conspiracies look like fruitcakes.




A lot of people say that about Alex Jones, but the LameStream media would love his audience share.

His audience have a lot in common with those who used to be 'entertained' by viewing the lunatics at Bedlam.

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I nominate George Bush, Tony Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the rest of that gang of criminals who pushed their BS conspiracy theory about weapons of mass destruction to get us into a "war" in Iraq.

I think Dreidel Dreidelsohn wins this debate.


Coincidentally Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, just happened to be part of, "Project for the New American Century" unfortunately there web site is down, looks like a unpaid server account, so we can't read there plans direct.


This Account Has Been Suspended. http://www.newamericancentury.org


Project for the New American Century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century

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I nominate George Bush, Tony Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the rest of that gang of criminals who pushed their BS conspiracy theory about weapons of mass destruction to get us into a "war" in Iraq.

I think Dreidel Dreidelsohn wins this debate.
Oh! It was a competition?


Yes, first prize is some Fluoride Tablets. The Gulf of Tonkin incident is not good enough as it only involved the USA.

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It'll be interesting to see what Thomas Jefferson Dreidel Dreidelsohn does with them.


1) Dreidel Dreidelsohn is not me, you clown.


2) If given fluoride tablets, I'd quite probably be tempted to take them. Maybe a few fluoride pills and I can become dumbed down like most people on this island and become interested only in a small bubbled middle class existence, with nothing to worry about but the latest boring football matches or latest shananigans of mindless celebrities like Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana and Kim Kardashian.

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