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Who is the world's biggest conspiracy BS artist?

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It'll be interesting to see what Thomas Jefferson Dreidel Dreidelsohn does with them.


1) Dreidel Dreidelsohn is not me, you clown.


2) If given fluoride tablets, I'd quite probably be tempted to take them. Maybe a few fluoride pills and I can become dumbed down like most people on this island and become interested only in a small bubbled middle class existence, with nothing to worry about but the latest boring football matches or latest shananigans of mindless celebrities like Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana and Kim Kardashian.

Actually, I think you're the only one on the forums who has ever mentioned those people.

In fact, you may very well be the only person on here who knows who they are.

Might I suggest - stop taking the tabloids!

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or latest shananigans of mindless celebrities like Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana and Kim Kardashian.

Actually, I think you're the only one on the forums who has ever mentioned those people.

In fact, you may very well be the only person on here who knows who they are.

Might I suggest - stop taking the tabloids!


I'm subscribed to them all on twitter. It's a nice break from reality.

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I nominate George Bush, Tony Blair, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the rest of that gang of criminals who pushed their BS conspiracy theory about weapons of mass destruction to get us into a "war" in Iraq.

I agree, aside from the fact that the IOM never got into a war with Iraq, apart from helping to finance it by the £3million or there abouts we pay the UK Government each year for "defence & international relations" - the biggest bullshit conspiracy of the lot of them.

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or latest shananigans of mindless celebrities like Justin Beiber, Hannah Montana and Kim Kardashian.

Actually, I think you're the only one on the forums who has ever mentioned those people.

In fact, you may very well be the only person on here who knows who they are.

Might I suggest - stop taking the tabloids!


I'm subscribed to them all on twitter. It's a nice break from reality.


No one exists online. We're all automated bots to make you believe you are conversing with real people. ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIME 104(0x68)

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No one exists online. We're all automated bots to make you believe you are conversing with real people. ERROR_INVALID_AT_INTERRUPT_TIME 104(0x68)


Ctrl+Alt+Del. > Star Task Manager > Right-click "Slinkydevil.exe" > Left-click "end process".


We will wake you up once the experiment is complete. You won't be harmed and you won't remember any of this.

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