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George W Bush - Artist


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I'm pretty impressed by anyone who can draw/paint, as I'm so useless at it. But I was surprised to see the former leader of the free world/scourge of Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden turning his hand to painting.




In my unqualified opinion he's pretty good, capturing the persona of those he paints. Dalai Lama looks serene, Putin looks evil and Tony Blair looks like a smarmy git. His self portrait, to me, looks like Alan Partridge, hence pretty accurate.

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I always liked George W Bush because he seems like an honest, down to earth kind of guy. These paintings might not be up there with Picasso or Michaelangelo, but he'd probably be a very good artist if he'd spent his life dedicated to it and developing the craft. There's definitely a lot of progress since the last time his paintings were being broadcast all over the media.

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There was always a bit more to Bush than the lazy caricature, and although he was certainly no Lincoln, or even Bill Clinton; you don't get to be president twice if you're a complete half-wit. There is a tiresome anti-Americanism among many in Britain, that blames all the evils of the world on American foreign policy, and Bush gave it a face and a name while he was in the White House. He's no artist either by the look of it, but give the guy some credit, for at least showing a depth of character that few ever saw.

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There was always a bit more to Bush than the lazy caricature, and although he was certainly no Lincoln, or even Bill Clinton; you don't get to be president twice if you're a complete half-wit. There is a tiresome anti-Americanism among many in Britain, that blames all the evils of the world on American foreign policy, and Bush gave it a face and a name while he was in the White House. He's no artist either by the look of it, but give the guy some credit, for at least showing a depth of character that few ever saw.

I think you're giving way too much credit where it patently isn't due.

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Bush was neither in Hitler's class as a brother of the brush; nor is he a war criminal, despite what many would like to believe.


It's an interesting speculation that had Hitler painted the sort of modernist grotesques that were considered art at the time, instead of his street scenes and cafes, then he might not have been rejected for art college. Instead of which......


There's a paradox for all you counter-factualists.

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There was always a bit more to Bush than the lazy caricature, and although he was certainly no Lincoln, or even Bill Clinton; you don't get to be president twice if you're a complete half-wit. There is a tiresome anti-Americanism among many in Britain, that blames all the evils of the world on American foreign policy, and Bush gave it a face and a name while he was in the White House. He's no artist either by the look of it, but give the guy some credit, for at least showing a depth of character that few ever saw.

Would certainly have taken him over Bliar.

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