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Maria Miller expenses queen


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Time for her to "fall on her sword"?


Just when you start thinking that UK MPs have learned their lesson about extravagant expenses claims, another one comes to light. Even more worryingly, she seems to have the PM's backing.


A musical comes to mind - "How do you solve a problem like Maria?"


Also part of "Queen's" Bohemian Rhapsody - "Ms Miller, you will not live it down".


Any others?

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just another story of politicians with 'their snouts in the trough'.


What I find amusing is that she gets away with a wad of cash (40 grand) while another politician 'across' does time( for an apparently less costly 'rip off"( Denis MacShane ….12 grand ?).

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An arrogant woman who took all of 32 seconds to make an apology for her behaviour. Cameron is deluded and I'll give her to the end of the week.


But one thing is a bit of a mystery.


If ordinary folk live in a house subsidised by the taxpayer, there seem to be plans for a spare bedroom to be subject to penalties.


On the other hand, in the political world, it seems de rigueur for an MP to require a full house to be supplied at the expense of the same taxpayers.


One rule for one etc, etc.

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This woman is arrogant in the extreme, almost as arrogant as Cameron for assuming that he can over-ride the wishes of the people. He forgets - don't they all - that they govern only with the will of the people. Treat them like idiots at your peril.


She still seems to have bought a house at the taxpayer's expense then more than doubled said mortgage at the taxpayers expense and popped her parents in this publicly funded home.

Finally this £249,000 home was sold for a massive £1,470,000.00.

She then seems to think that she's innocent of wrongdoing? Where the heck if this politicians moral compass?


Time the opportunities for expenses abuse was stopped once and for all.



1996: Bought double-fronted Victorian terrace house in Wimbledon, south-west London, for £234,000

2005: Elected Tory MP for Basingstoke

2005-2009: Claimed £90,718 in expenses on the property

2007: Increased the mortgage for a second time to £575,000, with taxpayers meeting the cost

2009: Stopped claiming expenses

2010: Became minister for Disabled People

2011: Started claiming expenses on renting a property in her Basingstoke constituency

September 2012: Joined Cabinet as Culture Secretary

December 2012: Labour MP John Mann made a complaint about claiming expenses because her elderly parents lived in the house

2014: Sold London home for £1.47million, a profit of £1.236million

April 3: Independent standards commissioner rejects original complaint about Mrs Miller's parents living in the house. But inquiry found Mrs Miller should repay £44,000 in over-claimed mortgage interest and £1,000 in over-claimed council tax. But the standards committee of MPs said she owed £5,800.

Mrs Miller delivered 32-second apology to Commons

April 9: Mrs Miller resigns.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great outcome. May she forever be tarred with this brush and fail to get meaningful employment for the rest of her sad days. Food banks should turn her away.




But sadly. It's all part of the 'resign now to save the Government embarrassment and they'll see you through to a good deal in a few years time'


She'll be back, just like Blunkett, He got two bites at the cherry; fiddling Tourist Visas for a lovers nanny and buying shares in DNA Bioscience.


Both too greedy for their own good.



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