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Firework Smoke Not To Blame in 2011 M5 Pile Up

Boris Johnson

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The Coroner has said this crash was not because of the smoke from the nearby firework display.




I know we get bad fog/ mist on the mountain road and having experience of that may make you think that it must have been the smoke from the fireworks that caused the crash. In my personal experience when I was driving in the Yorkshire Dales at dusk I drove into a fog on a moor road that was so thick that I had to stop the car and pull into the side of the road, it was that thick. Similar to as described by the people in the M5 crash it was like someone had painted over my windscreen. When I first heard about this sad pile up I thought it must be because of the smoke mixing with the fog but then I remembered that evening in Yorkshire. We are lucky up on the mountain road as we dont get it that bad or at least I have never experienced anything that bad or even close, it must be to do with the location and elevation and our position in the middle of the Irish Sea.

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