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Blair - West and East should unite against radical Islam


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What I said is 100% truth. I urge everyone to do their own research and find out for themselves. Islam has been co-opted by the New World Order, just as Christianity and most of the secular western political groups have been. If you want to know who is really a threat to the world, it's the international bankers and transnational corporations. Look at nearly any war, feud, clash, rivalry or schism on this planet and you'll see both sides are unwitting pawns being played against each other. The so-called "clash of civilisations" is a case in point.

TJ, I am surprised because your posts in this thread show very little of the understanding and visionary comprehension I have come to associate with you. Whilst international bankers and transnational corporations are big on low cunning and avarice, they are simply not as smart as you give them credit for by a very long way. Your summary is just like one of those crazy conspiracy theories beloved of some other posters here.

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@TJ. The incidence of islamic expansionism and its supremacist nature is well documented, by believable, contemporary historians, long before this ''nuturing'' you speak of. Remember the gates of Vienna and the TRUE reasons for the Crusades! I would agree that it's in the interest's of the West to play the schisms and division in the Middle East; doing so expands its influence and is good for business. If they're encouraged to fight each other, they won't be attacking you.


What you refer to was Ottoman imperialism and was no different to western imperialism.



No, I'm not referencing the Ottomans, my understanding of this subject goes all the way back to around 700ad onwards. Local conquests and the subjugation thereof, of christians, Jews and other minorities who either converted, paid the jizya or were simply massacred. This marauding expanded through Persia, Turkey and on through Europe. And is continuing through radicalisation of the muslim diaspora.

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That's all very well, but whilst I'm busy applying pressure on my keyboard while exerting certain forces pertaining to my cerebral membranes in an accelerated motion creating intellectual know how directed towards a bilingual deremedy with excessive use of erudite terms and phrases, I have to say I don't care.

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@TJ. The incidence of islamic expansionism and its supremacist nature is well documented, by believable, contemporary historians, long before this ''nuturing'' you speak of. Remember the gates of Vienna and the TRUE reasons for the Crusades! I would agree that it's in the interest's of the West to play the schisms and division in the Middle East; doing so expands its influence and is good for business. If they're encouraged to fight each other, they won't be attacking you.


What you refer to was Ottoman imperialism and was no different to western imperialism.


No, I'm not referencing the Ottomans, my understanding of this subject goes all the way back to around 700ad onwards. Local conquests and the subjugation thereof, of christians, Jews and other minorities who either converted, paid the jizya or were simply massacred. This marauding expanded through Persia, Turkey and on through Europe. And is continuing through radicalisation of the muslim diaspora.

What does the 8th century ir the 16th century have to do with NOW? Civilisations move on.

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I suspect, because proof is hard to come by, that one reason the west struggles with the likes of the Taliban is because the Taliban and their stone age ideals can happily put religious extremism before nationalism. The west tends to put it the other way around. Don't forget the SS in the death camps all had "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles.

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There is no such thing as "radical" islam. There is only islam.

There is a lot in those those 12 words.

A lot of what though ? It's exactly like imagining that all Christians are fundamentalists or word-of-God evangelicals. Where as for most nominally Christian people today it is largely a cultural thing which they do not really think much about.


Spend even a few days in a Muslim city or living amongst Muslim people and you will quickly come to understand that people just want to quietly get on with their lives without bothering anyone else or imposing their beliefs on anyone. People everywhere mostly seem to want the same things - the latest smartphone, interesting food, somewhere nice to live etc ..

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... people just want to quietly get on with their lives without bothering anyone else or imposing their beliefs on anyone. People everywhere mostly seem to want the same things - the latest smartphone, interesting food, somewhere nice to live etc ..

Apart from the God-botherers, of course.


And let's not pretend that they don't have the ability to stifle entire societies with their "spiritual" demands. The end of the Islamic enlightenment, the stagnation in Medieval Europe, the Taliban, even Buddhism in Tang Dynasty China etc etc.


Some people put dreams of an after-life above the reality of this one - and whole societies can suffer as a result.

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"Muslim mothers urged to report sons over plans to fight in Syria."


The story above on the face of it sounds reasonable, the problem is the sons leaving to fight in Syria will be fighting against Bashar al-Assad, which the UK and some western countries want to see him overthrown, also they are sending supplies to the forces attacking Assad. So should the mothers of these sons also report the UK and western governments too?



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