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Blair - West and East should unite against radical Islam


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You clearly can't go out of the UK fighting illegal wars such as in Syria, unless of course you're signed up by the British Forces to fight their own illegal wars.


For one you could get a medal, for the other you can get locked up for 10 years.


Oh the irony.

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What I said is 100% truth. I urge everyone to do their own research and find out for themselves. Islam has been co-opted by the New World Order, just as Christianity and most of the secular western political groups have been. If you want to know who is really a threat to the world, it's the international bankers and transnational corporations. Look at nearly any war, feud, clash, rivalry or schism on this planet and you'll see both sides are unwitting pawns being played against each other. The so-called "clash of civilisations" is a case in point.


Whilst international bankers and transnational corporations are big on low cunning and avarice, they are simply not as smart as you give them credit for by a very long way. Your summary is just like one of those crazy conspiracy theories beloved of some other posters here.


Forget the banks and corporations, it's the elites who control them who are obsessed with ushering in a one world government and to make 1984, A Brave New World and Farenheit 451 a reality. Money and greed are just carrots used to manipulate their compartmentalised underlings.

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I have enjoyed living in the IOM and Uk with its declining importance of Christianity. I do get a little worried that islam is increasing in popularity through immigration and greater birthrate. It may not be in my lifetime but if the islamic population gets above say 10% then an islamic political party may be formed.


I would not like to live under islamic law and all the restrictions it imposes so I see islam as a threat to my life style

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Not sure if this is visible behind the FT's paywall, but it is a scathing review of Mr Blair, his moneyed privilege, his views on Islam and how his paychecks slant this view.





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The title of this link should be called, About Time!


Three former UK ambassadors to the Middle East will tomorrow join calls for Tony Blair to be removed from his role as Middle East peace envoy. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2666213/Blair-growing-pressure-stand-Middle-East-peace-envoy-diplomats-demand-removal.html


Want Blair gone as "PEACE ENVOY"? Here's your chance to make it happen. https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/ban-ki-moon-sack-tony-blair-as-the-middle-east-peace-envoy

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Not sure if this is behind a paywall, but here is Blair writing in the FT justifying removing Saddam and claiming the current crises haven't been caused by the wars to remove him.

I am not seeking to persuade people about the decision in 2003. I am trying to convince them that the fundamental challenge is not the product of that decision or indeed the decision in Syria. It is a challenge of immense complexity that has not originated in anything we have done since this challenge burst fully on to our consciousness after the attacks of September 11 2001. Its origin lies in the toxic mix of bad politics and bad religion that is not confined to Iraq or Syria but is spread across not just the Middle East but also the world.

My trouble with Blair is that this argument is so blatantly self serving.

When he says:

The reason we got into such difficulty in Iraq, as in Afghanistan, was precisely because once the dictatorship was removed, extremist Islamist forces then made progress extraordinarily difficult. That is their hideous impact the world over.

It is true - but heck why has extremism advanced with Saddam's overthrow - because of the lack of planning and cultural knowledge of those who overthrew him. The complacency of their "freedom is messy" argument has sown the whirlwind.

They took it, they owned it, they broke it; that released radicalism which has piggy-backed on their failed attempts to create working state institutions, the radicalism subverted those institutions into tribal fiefs fermenting violence and squabbled over by the corrupt and untouchable due to their control of the gun.

Each step of that slide into masked armed zealots extorting tithes from millions of people to continue waging their fundamentalist jihad is marked by failures from the policies Blair championed and promoted.

It is a huge danger to the world that significant parts of Nigeria, Pakistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Kenya could join Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Libya as failed states dominated by fundamentalist religions opposed to education, women's rights, and destroying the ability of their populations to seek prosperity due to their zealotry and violence.

That could spread violence across the world, with radicalism affecting all of us.

It is very sad that the world is like this, but when Blair writes:

The bad news is that this issue is not going away. That is why I am speaking about it. Since leaving office I have spent a large part of my time studying it and through my foundation trying to counter it.

It literally turns my stomach - his foundation, demanding 6 figure speaking fees for Blair, is an insignificance in ending violent extremism, but what Blair did while Prime Minister has contributed hugely to increasing it.

Many more Brits will die as a result of radical violent religion.

Blair is correct in highlighting religion's poison in this, ignoring the irony of the bloody history of his Catholic faith.

Sadly I doubt this will be over in 30 years, and the blood toll is likely to be higher than in the 17th centuries 30 Years War.

Violent religions sow disaster and the world is spreading them far and wide.


Those 16th and 17th century wars in Europe paved the way for the Enlightenment as people sought to escape the stifling grasp of zealotry.


How I hope that violent Islamism will be defeated, but that will be a bloody task, and we will have to pay for what has been done in our name.

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I love the way that TJ begins by blaming everything on Islamic fundamentalists, moves on to point the finger at Western powers. then decides they're controlled by the 'international bankers and transnational corporations' and goes on to tell us to ignore them and concentrate on the elites 'who are obsessed with ushering in a one world government.'

Eventually, as he keeps moving up the chain, he'll come to the point where the only person to really blame is the god that mankind invented - every god - to use as an excuse for our own greed and megalomania.

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