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Blair - West and East should unite against radical Islam


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I love the way that TJ begins by blaming everything on Islamic fundamentalists, moves on to point the finger at Western powers. then decides they're controlled by the 'international bankers and transnational corporations' and goes on to tell us to ignore them and concentrate on the elites 'who are obsessed with ushering in a one world government.'

Eventually, as he keeps moving up the chain, he'll come to the point where the only person to really blame is the god that mankind invented - every god - to use as an excuse for our own greed and megalomania.


Do you think he's right?

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I love the way that TJ begins by blaming everything on Islamic fundamentalists, moves on to point the finger at Western powers. then decides they're controlled by the 'international bankers and transnational corporations' and goes on to tell us to ignore them and concentrate on the elites 'who are obsessed with ushering in a one world government.'


These are all things to be concerned about. I never said to ignore any particular part of the compartmentalised system. The international banks and corporations, the western powers and the Islamic fundamentalists are all either part of the same system or else they have been co-opted or are unwitting pawns in it. The ruling elite are running the show, but they do it via a pyramid-shaped hierarchy. Only the ones at the top know the full picture. The ones further down are, as I said before, compartmentalised. The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing; they may even think they are genuinely in opposition to each other. The Republicans and Democrats in the US and the Conservatives and Labour in the UK are classic examples of this. Hardly any meaningful difference between them and they all take their marching orders from higher up. Their ordinary members don't have a clue.


Eventually, as he keeps moving up the chain, he'll come to the point where the only person to really blame is the god that mankind invented - every god - to use as an excuse for our own greed and megalomania.


God does exist, not the made-up God of religion or dogma, but a Great Spirit, like the Native Americans say.


You can't blame free will, because that can just as well lead to love, peace, charity. But then greed, selfishness and hate are much easier. I would blame the broken nature of our existence. Human beings are imperfect, primitive and unenlightened. One day, we may evolve to be more enlightened. Belief in God or religion won't enlighten people, neither will non-belief. What matters is the heart, not the brain. I think Robert Kennedy's paraphrase of this poem by Aeschylus, if applied to our species, sums up how I hope we will evolve to become more compassionate -- through experience:


Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget

falls drop by drop upon the heart,

until, in our own despair,

against our will,

comes wisdom

through the awful grace of God.

The term "God" can be taken as a euphemism for nature, consciousness, or the universe. That's how I use the term.

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Back on track, I'd love to see Blair impeached and I think if the clamour gets too great the powers that be may well just throw him to the wolves like the silly little pawn he is, not the bigtime player he believes he is.

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This is a good thread.


My own take on it is that Blair thought Iraq was his Falklands. He went ahead to create chaos out of order because his ego needed a massage with a happy ending.


When it went wrong, he swam across the Tiber and converted. Then he went back to try to dip his toe in the blood stained waters of the Tigris to try to redeem himself. Lets not forget that Saddam had a few Catholics in his Government. Blair condemned them to their fate.


Was his conversion a political act? I think it was. He was just changing party. He changed from a democratic party to a dictatorship.


Thankfully, his brownie points were not transferable between parties. The dictatorship welcomed him with open arms but closed doors. He was not time served. He was an outsider.


Anyhow, just be thankful he decided to convert. If he had done a Kinnock, he would probably be president of the EU now :-(

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An alternative concept of extremism could be this:


I live in China, with my wife and 2 year old daughter. I go to work, mind my own business, and we all obey the local law.


Western countries don't like China.


A drone flies overhead, missile is fired, and my wife and daughter are incinerated. The western boss guys hail a victory against oppression, because they hit a target. The collateral damage is unfortunate.


I return to the UK and one day I go for a beer in a pub.. I overhear some guys boasting about how great Britain is because they gave the commie bastards what they deserved. They fucking showed them who the boss is. The chinks are free because of our brave men.


If I had a pin wrapped around my finger, would I pull it?

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An alternative concept of extremism could be this:


I live in China, with my wife and 2 year old daughter. I go to work, mind my own business, and we all obey the local law.


Western countries don't like China.


A drone flies overhead, missile is fired, and my wife and daughter are incinerated. The western boss guys hail a victory against oppression, because they hit a target. The collateral damage is unfortunate.


I return to the UK and one day I go for a beer in a pub.. I overhear some guys boasting about how great Britain is because they gave the commie bastards what they deserved. They fucking showed them who the boss is. The chinks are free because of our brave men.


If I had a pin wrapped around my finger, would I pull it?


You chose where to live.

Having travelled the world in my career i think it was a silly choice.

Nevertheless, just enjoy it and don't get paranoid.

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An alternative concept of extremism could be this:


I live in China, with my wife and 2 year old daughter. I go to work, mind my own business, and we all obey the local law.


Western countries don't like China.


A drone flies overhead, missile is fired, and my wife and daughter are incinerated. The western boss guys hail a victory against oppression, because they hit a target. The collateral damage is unfortunate.


I return to the UK and one day I go for a beer in a pub.. I overhear some guys boasting about how great Britain is because they gave the commie bastards what they deserved. They fucking showed them who the boss is. The chinks are free because of our brave men.


If I had a pin wrapped around my finger, would I pull it?


You chose where to live.

Having travelled the world in my career i think it was a silly choice.

Nevertheless, just enjoy it and don't get paranoid.

The vast majority of people have no choice.


Did you not notice that on your business trips?

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This is a good thread.


My own take on it is that Blair thought Iraq was his Falklands. He went ahead to create chaos out of order because his ego needed a massage with a happy ending.


When it went wrong, he swam across the Tiber and converted. Then he went back to try to dip his toe in the blood stained waters of the Tigris to try to redeem himself. Lets not forget that Saddam had a few Catholics in his Government. Blair condemned them to their fate.


Was his conversion a political act? I think it was. He was just changing party. He changed from a democratic party to a dictatorship.


Thankfully, his brownie points were not transferable between parties. The dictatorship welcomed him with open arms but closed doors. He was not time served. He was an outsider.


Anyhow, just be thankful he decided to convert. If he had done a Kinnock, he would probably be president of the EU now :-(

It's clear why he chose to convert. He saw himself as bigger than the UK, an international statesman no less, and foresaw a time when he would be EU President. He got drunk on his own ego and thought it was a done deal but karma came back to bite him on the arse. He may well end up in Brussels, but at The Hague and not in the European Parliament. A fitting end it would be to a vile human being.

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Western countries don't like China.


The western ruling elite seem to love it, seeing as how they're deindustrialising here and relocating manufacturing over there. I guess it's just the cheap forced labour and the lack of democracy or human rights they love. It seems they want to make the west more like China in these respects. Then, when China becomes more democratic, they'll probably deindustrialise it and move back here, as we will be a third world cesspool by that time.

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