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Has the CTC (cycling lobby) gone mad?


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"We are also concerned about the impact that more motorcycling could have on the environment."


What, like less fossil fuels being burned

Motorcycles, in general, have very poor fuel efficiency. Motorcycle technology is in the dark ages in this respect. 4 people in a car is much more fuel efficient than 4 people on two bikes. 10 people in a minibus is vastly more fuel efficient than 10 people on 5 bikes.


The situation is reversed with electric. Electric cars based on current tech are stupid. They have insufficient range to be useful outside of cities. Inside cities cars make no sense anyhow whether or not they are electric (electric vans make sense for deliveries). Electric bikes by contrast make good sense in cities. Hybrid vehicles are over engineered.


Maybe for older bikes, but mid-sized modern bikes have good fuel efficiency. A modern 650 twin will happily do 50-60mpg. And commuter bikes (125-300) will do 70+

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When people think of motorcyclists they automatically imagine the Supersports rider carreering about on his 180bhp race replica. They actually make up a small and dimnishing sector of motorcyclists. Commuter bikes are generally taking over the bike market and do have huge benefits in fuel saving and the reduction of congestion.

I can understand cyclists concerns in allowing them into what have been safe havens for pedal pushers, the problem is that motor cyclists are vunerable in traffic too. They suffer fatalities and injuries through getting pinned by larger vehicles in traffic.

I guess a compromise should be found such as allowing smaller capacity bikes into these areas?

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