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Farage bottles it?


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I fully admit I'm not much of a fan of nostaligic, blame-Johnny-Foreigner-for-all-our-woes UKIP.


Nigel Farage exemplifies so much that is wrong with British politics - a superficial, slogan driven, jokey, man down the pub with his policies brought to you by "Have I got News for You" blokish banter.


I think it is interesting that he doesn't have the confidence to stand in the upcoming by-election.


He'll say its because UKIP is more than him, but the fact is as a single issue party there isn't much space for any one else - it would all get a little too repetitive.


We'll see, maybe amongst the beer bellies and casual racism he'll find someone with enough charisma to stand and win in his stead, but such a person will always be stuck as there are so many other issues to address being an MP.


You can grandstand in the EU Parliament and not do much other than skim off the expenses and make insulting speeches which get views on YouTube - something Farage is a master of - but real politics needs a far more nuanced understanding of the issues facing the UK and UKIP simply lacks that.


Immigration is an issue, as is the role of Europe, but the idea these issues are central to the success or decline of the UK is to really miss so much of the political pallet.


The disaster of modern politics is that there are no subtle shades in the political rhetoric with it all being blasted out at full volume in primary colours.


And that gives UKIP a space far larger than it deserves.


Oh well, such is the modern world.


Blocking access, closing doors, wishing for by-gone days - it is sad that that is a successful political rhetoric - it is a terrible recipe for prosperity.


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It isn't a single issue party. Personally, I'd like to see anti-EU conservatives rejoin the Conservative Party and co-opt it from within. All they're doing is dividing the Conservatives and making it more likely those dimwits in Labour get back in to finish the job of ruining the economy.

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It isn't a single issue party. Personally, I'd like to see anti-EU conservatives rejoin the Conservative Party and co-opt it from within. All they're doing is dividing the Conservatives and making it more likely those dimwits in Labour get back in to finish the job of ruining the economy.

Some might say that's the intention.

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I think it highly amusing that the xenophobic nonsense peddled by sycophantic tory rubbish like The Daily Wail could end up biting their snotty little Westminster mates in the arse. What a good grin.

Frankly no-one should be surprised that the likes of Farage can get away with not really having any political platform. These days so-called "NEWS" is just snippets and soundbites. You have to buy a decent newspaper for in-depth coverage, alternative viewpoints and so forth and quality newspapers would appear to be a dying breed. Also more and more people seem to have less and less time to properly inform themselves as they're far too "busy" on completely vacuous pursuits.

Personally, having been dis-enfranchised by Turncoat Cleggy, I haven't the faintest idea which politician deserves my vote this time around. Which means essentially that the UK's version of democracy is failing people like me.

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I am sorry PK. During the last uk election, Cleggy never had the slightest idea that he would be in a coalition, or indeed have any power at all. The yellow belly manifesto reflected that by offering things they knew they could never deliver. Being made deputy PM shows him like a rabbit in the headlights. The fact that they have had to back down on virtually every promise is proof of this. The "yellows" will be lucky to have any seats next time.


With regard to Farage, I am not surprised he is not standing. The seat is a Tory stronghold. Farage would have little chance of winning. He also could then be out next time. Better to bide his time and get in for a full term.


I don't support all of Farage's policies. However, I think he would be very good in government at exposing ALL other party's weak points and highlighting some of the real issues and problems with the country. Other parties will have to take note and the country will benefit.

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With regard to Farage, I am not surprised he is not standing. The seat is a Tory stronghold. Farage would have little chance of winning.


Just what I was going to say. I'd assume politicians stand where they think they have a chance of being elected.

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I am sorry PK. During the last uk election, Cleggy never had the slightest idea that he would be in a coalition, or indeed have any power at all. The yellow belly manifesto reflected that by offering things they knew they could never deliver. Being made deputy PM shows him like a rabbit in the headlights. The fact that they have had to back down on virtually every promise is proof of this. The "yellows" will be lucky to have any seats next time.


I think they've been dreadful. Tuition fees, PO sell off, boundaries etc etc.


I hope they get creamed for betraying our principles....

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Where does he live? Bet it isn't Newark.


If he had any sense when questioned why he won't be standing he could have said 'Because I have very little to do with the area, and I feel if I were to stand there it could be seen that I wasn't doing it to serve the constituents, but to serve myself and my party, which is not the point of our democratic system.'


And probably have got himself a few more fans.

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