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Farage bottles it?


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Can we have a list of all EU laws the IOM is signed up to, because our govt seem to cherry pick in their own favour? Why do we follow some yet not others (others usually meaning laws in favour of ordinary people)?



It's the Isle of Man, where you can....

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Some rather tough questioning for Mr Farage.

Which he handled reasonably well.

In his usual greasy, slippery, bumbling way that only the educationally subnormal would think was worthy of the leader of a political party.


Not worthy of the standard you set in most of your posts Lonan. Problems with your 'inner chimp' perhaps ? thumbsup.gif

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Not at all. I loathe and despite the 'acceptable face of racism' that Farage and his party represent. The only benefit that Ukip may bring - and that, unfortunately, just the once - will be to split the vote of the Mail/Express/ Star/ Sun readers and prevent them imposing another 5 years of Cameron's rule on the country.

Farage, as far as I'm concerned, is currently the most dishonest and slimey politician in Britain - to such an extent that he almost makes Alex Salmond appear to be human.

but does he ,in your view, make Blair almost human?

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Not at all. I loathe and despite the 'acceptable face of racism' that Farage and his party represent. The only benefit that Ukip may bring - and that, unfortunately, just the once - will be to split the vote of the Mail/Express/ Star/ Sun readers and prevent them imposing another 5 years of Cameron's rule on the country.

Farage, as far as I'm concerned, is currently the most dishonest and slimey politician in Britain - to such an extent that he almost makes Alex Salmond appear to be human.

Is he really any worse than the three wise men we have at present? Really?

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At least he stands for something, regardless of whether you agree with him or not. Clegg stands for nothing and will prostitute himself and his principles to climb the greasy pole of politics.

Milliband is just a pathetic excuse for a man and Cameron I could happily punch all day long.


I suppose the best way of judging it is who would I like to punch the least and it's probably Farage, for his entertaining rants in the European Parliament alone.

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I don't like UKIP, what they stand for, or what they are doing.


The BNP and it various splinter groups were always on the fringe. Farage and his pals are trying to make BNP policies mainstream. They appeal to the middle class closet racist. UKIP are basically saying... "Hey, it's ok. You can have strong views on immigration. You can be a racist, you can vote for us and we will give you racist policies. But don't worry, because if you vote for us you are not actually a racist, your a nationalist !"


What makes me sad, is that they are not only trying to get the vote of the existing closet racists, they are actively trying to create more through their rhetoric. They are using the message of fear to try to convert normal sensible people.


But what gets me about all this " close the door" stuff, is that they forget it works both ways in these days of tit for tat politics. Farage might not want Romanians living next door to him. If he gets his way I am sure he will be very happy surrounded by his "British" neighbours. I just hope none of them ever had their own dreams of upping sticks and heading off for a new start in a far away land. Because chances are, they won't be able to.

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Yeah I'm sick of his continual racist, nationalistic stereotyping.


I think it comes from having a German wife.





To be fair, it's not good to bring his partner into it.


It will be an interesting divorce case tho.


Judge: " Why do you want a divorce Mrs Farage?".


Mr's Farage " Because my husband deported me".


Judge" Is there a co-respondent in this case?"


Mr Farage: " Yes M'lord. I call Mr Nick Griffen".


Lol. Sorry :-)

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I think it's all very interesting. For too long the British public had been browbeaten into accepting a nominal two party state (the LibDems were just a joke and always have been) which recently had turned into a one-party state with not a fag paper between the two parties. Now we have a third option and disagree with the policies if you like but it's created discussion and interest which in politics is not such a bad thing.

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